Research exchange with Serge Nicaise
20 März 2023
During the week of March 13 to 17, our colleague Philipp Zilk was a guest of Serge Nicaise, one of the most renowned scientists in the field of theoretical and numerical analysis of partial differential equations, working at the University Polytechnique Hauts de France in Valenciennes.
During the exchange, which came about thanks to the very good contact of Thomas Apel and Serge Nicaise, numerous intensive scientific discussions were held. The thematic focus was the investigation of the theoretical relationship between the shape of a crack and the associated eigenfrequencies of the crack region under consideration. In other words, the question was whether it is possible to hear cracks. Pleasingly, some interesting positive findings were obtained in this regard.
Finally, the highlight of the exchange was a talk by Philipp Zilk at the research colloquium of the Faculty of Mathematics on "Introduction to Isogeometric Analysis and its efficiency for solving Laplace eigenvalue problems".
We thank Serge Nicaise for the invitation and hope to see him again soon!