Declaration of consent to participate in the study, the collection and processing of your personal data and the video and audio recordings during the on-site evaluation


University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Faculty for Computer Science - Institute for Software Technology

Professorship for Human-Computer-Interaction

Title of the Study: „Intercultural Adaptations of Large Semi-Public Displays"

Consent to the study

I have been informed in written form about the study and its procedure. I agree to share my cultural background and test adapted variants of user interfaces and express my opinion regarding the design. Any questions I had about this proposed study were answered fully and to my satisfaction by Ms. Stojko.

I agree to the described collection and processing of data to record my cultural background and my personal opinion (on-site evaluation) of the user interfaces. The recording and evaluation of this data is pseudonymized at the Institute for Software Technology, using a number and without giving my name. There is a coding list that links my name to this number. This coding list is only accessible to the study manager and the project leader, i.e., only these people can link the data collected to my name. After the on-site evaluation has been carried out and my recordings have been transcribed, by 15.11.2024 at the latest, my entry in the coding list will be deleted. My data will then be anonymized. This means that it will no longer be possible for anyone to link the data collected to my name. I have been informed that I can revoke my consent to retain or store this data without incurring any disadvantages. I can request the deletion of all my data at any time. However, if the coding list has already been deleted, my data record can no longer be identified and can, therefore, no longer be deleted. My data is then anonymized.

I agree that my completely anonymized data may be used for research purposes. For this reason, they will be stored for at least 10 years after the data evaluation or at least 10 years after this study's publication.

I have had sufficient time to decide and am willing to participate in the abovementioned study. I know that participation in the study is voluntary and that I can terminate it at any time without giving reasons.

Consent to the collection and processing of personal data

I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data in the form of administrative data and original recordings (survey data, audio and video recordings, and their transcripts) collected in the research project described above trough:

  • the data protection authority: President of UniBw Munich, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg
  • Laura Stojko, Professorship for Human-Computer-Interaction, Institute of Software Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, University of the Bundeswehr Munich (Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg) (hereinafter Laura Stojko)

for determining my cultural profile, aggregation with other profiles, and my user interface preferences in accordance with the purposes stated here. If I provide or have provided special categories of personal data, these are covered by this declaration of consent.

My consent is voluntary. I can refuse consent without incurring any disadvantages.

I can revoke my consent at any time to Laura Stojko or the administrative data protection officer (see below for contact details), which will result in the processing of my personal data becoming prohibited in the future by my declaration of revocation. However, this does not affect the legitimacy of the data processing carried out based on the consent until the revocation.

Purpose of data processing / aim of the project

I have read the data protection notice for a detailed explanation of data collection and processing and agree to the stated purposes. This includes the administrative data, the personal data from the SoSci survey, and the personal video and audio recordings from the on-site evaluation.

Contact details of the data protection officer

The Administrative Data Protection Officer (ADSB) of UniBw M can be contacted at the following e-mail address The Data Protection Officer for the BMVg Division (DPO GB BMVg) can be contacted at the following address and e-mail address: Fontainengraben 150, 53123 Bonn, e-mail:

Legal foundation

Laura Stojko collects and processes my (special categories, such as political opinion) personal data based on my consent by Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a., Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a in conjunction with. Art. 89 para. 1 & 2 GDPR, § 27 para. 3 & 4 BDSG.

Duration for which the personal data is stored / criteria for determining the duration

The administrative data will be kept until the data evaluation is completed and then deleted. All data will be anonymized by deleting the coding list after the on-site evaluation and transcription of the recordings, at the latest on 15.11.2024. The survey data on SoSci will be deleted after calculating the cultural profiles (incl. control variables) and aggregation of various details (age, gender, citizenship, and places of residence).

My rights

According to the legal requirements, I generally have a claim to Laura Stojko:

  • Confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning me is being processed by Laura Stojko,
  • Information about this data and the circumstances of the processing,
  • Rectification if this data is incorrect,
  • Deletion, insofar as there is no justification for the processing and no (further) obligation to store the data,
  • restriction of processing in specific cases determined by law and
  • transmission of my personal data - insofar as I have provided it - to me or a third party in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format.

Furthermore, I have the right to revoke my consent to Laura Stojko at any time. However, this does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent until revocation. I am aware that revocation is no longer possible after anonymization has been carried out, as no personal data is available at this point and a reference to a person can no longer be established.

I have noticed that I can make use of my right to complain to the following supervisory authority:


Die Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI)

Graurheindorfer Straße 153 - 53117 Bonn


+49 (0)228-997799-0


+49 (0)228-997799-5550


Consent for video and audio recordings

I have been informed in written form by Ms. Stojko that the study requires video and audio recordings.

The recordings serve to be able to reference what my statement refers to when exploring and testing the variants of user interfaces, i.e., what I have just interacted with while expressing my thoughts or opinions. The audio recordings during the semi-structured interview are necessary to fully capture all relevant aspects of my opinion on the different user interfaces so that they can then be transcribed and evaluated through a coding analysis. I am potentially recognizable in the video and audio recordings made.

The video and audio recordings will be completely anonymized by 15.11.2024. This is done as follows: The spoken words will be written down (transcribed), and the video data will be used to document what was visible on the display and what the spoken words referred to. After complete anonymization, the original recordings are immediately deleted, and it is no longer possible for anyone to recognize me in the transcripts. Until complete anonymization, there is a very low probability that a person involved in the data analysis will recognize me. For this reason, all persons involved in the evaluation are subject to an absolute duty of professional discretion and may not pass on confidential information to third parties under any circumstances.

The video and audio recordings are recorded and analyzed using a personal code that is known only to the research manager and the person responsible for the study, i.e., using a number without specifying my name. There is a coding list that links my name to the number. Since I can potentially be identified until the recordings made are completely anonymized, I have the right to have these recordings deleted at any time without any disadvantages for me. For this purpose, the coding list will be kept until the recordings are deleted at the latest. The non-anonymized video and audio recordings will be stored on a password-protected computer in a personal and password-protected drive of the Computing Center of the UniBw Munich (RZ-Share) and deleted together with the coding list after anonymization, at the latest on 15.11.2024. Once the data has been completely anonymized, the transcripts collected based on my recordings can no longer be deleted.

I agree that the fully anonymized transcripts may be used for research purposes. They will be stored for at least 10 years after the data evaluation or at least 10 years after this study's publication.

The declaration of consent for video and audio recording is voluntary. I can withdraw this declaration at any time. In the event of a revocation or refusal, I will not incur any costs or other disadvantages; however, participation in the study will then not be possible.

I have had sufficient time to make a decision and hereby agree to a video and audio recording of myself.

I can retrieve a copy of this declaration of consent at any time on this page. The information for participants is part of this declaration of consent.

If I have any questions or other concerns, I can contact the following person:

Research study manager:
Laura Stojko
Research Assistant
Faculty for Computer Science
Professorship for Human-Computer-Interaction
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Geb. 41/400 , Rm. 2413
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85579 Neubiberg
Phone: +49 89 6004 -2602

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