Data Protection Notice for the Study "Intercultural Adaptations of Large Semi-Public Displays"

The collection, storage, processing, and use of personal data will generally comply with the EU legal framework and German data protection legislation. Your data will be collected, processed, and used for the implementation and scientific evaluation of the aforementioned research project. The data from this survey will be treated as strictly confidential, evaluated, anonymized, and published without reference to individuals. The evaluation is carried out with strict technical and organizational data protection measures. Laura Stojko (, 089 6004 2602, research assistant at the professorship for Human-Computer Interaction, the Institute for Software Technology at the Faculty of Computer Science) is responsible for conducting the study. The responsible Administrative Data Protection Officer (ADPO/ADSB) can be contacted at

What personal data do we collect?

  • Administrative data: Name, e-mail address, date of consent, coding list (pseudonym and name), e-mail traffic
  • Personal data through a survey on SoSci: To calculate a cultural profile (the cultural preferences) for a person, which is necessary as a basis for aggregation with five other profiles, the following information is requested:
    • citizenship(s)
    • (optional) citizenships of parents
    • current residence (country)
    • previous residences (country) and duration (at least 1 month)
    • year of birth [control variable, for weighting of the different stays on cultural profile]
    • gender [control variable]
    • (optional) political orientation [influence on adapted user interface element "level of detail" and "information density" as well as "content type"]
  • Personal data through video and audio recordings during the on-site evaluation: Qualitative assessment of the personal evaluation of three different variants of the user interface of a large interactive display using:
    • Think-aloud: Expressing thoughts during the interaction (video recording to be able to assign the statements to the UI),
    • and then a partially structured interview (audio recording, notes): Several questions are discussed to compare the variants and find out what the person liked more or less
  • Transcripts: The recordings are transcribed after the on-site evaluation, i.e., the words spoken during the interaction and the interview are converted into text, which is then analyzed. A coding analysis is used for the evaluation, which assigns different codes to the text passages, e.g., if something was said about the choice of color, the code "color positive," etc. is assigned. This makes it possible to deduce whether and to what extent the variations were liked and which user interface variant was most appealing. Handwritten notes are taken during the interview and digitized afterward.

Legitimacy: All personal data of the study are collected based on the consent of the subjects (pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a., Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a i.V.m. Art. 89 para. 1 & 2 GDPR, § 27 para. 3 & 4 BDSG) collected and processed by Laura Stojko. This consent is obtained through the SoSci survey.

How do we store and process your data?

The RZ-Share is a personal and password-protected drive of the Computing Center of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBw M).

Administrative data: The administrative data is stored in a separate password-protected RZ-Share area, separate from the other study data, and is only accessed for organizational purposes by the person conducting the study. E-mail traffic is stored in a separate subfolder in Outlook. After the study has been conducted, all administrative data will be deleted. The administrative data will neither be evaluated nor published.

Survey (SoSci): The survey data is stored on the UniBw M hosted SoSci server. A copy of this is stored in a RZ-Share folder after separation of the administrative data from the other survey data. Only the person conducting the study has access to this folder. A person's cultural profile is calculated from the personal data of the survey. The individual profile is linked to a pseudonym and stored separately for later assignability (for the correct selection of user interface variants during the on-site evaluation). In addition, information on citizenship, place of residence, age, and gender are collected and aggregated from all participants. This aggregated data is anonymous. Once this step has been completed, the original SoSci data and the RZ-Share copy are deleted. The group profile contains the aggregation result of six individual profiles and does not enable identifying an individual person.

On-site Evaluation (Think-aloud and partially structured interview):  A separate SD card is used for the video and audio recordings. After each evaluation, the recordings are immediately transferred to a password-protected folder on an RZ server. Only the person conducting the study has access to this folder. The SD card is then immediately and irrevocably deleted. The audio recordings of the interviews and the digitized notes are also stored in separate RZ-Share folders, to which only the person conducting the study has access. The video and audio recordings of the think-aloud evaluation and the interview are given a pseudonym and transcribed. The transcripts will also be stored on an RZ-Share. Once the transcription is complete, the original recordings will be irrevocably deleted, as will the entry in the coding list (pseudonym and name). This means that the individual cultural profiles (without age and gender), the group profiles, and transcripts of the think-aloud and interviews are to be regarded as anonymous data. Based on the transcripts and the interview notes, a coding analysis is carried out using MAXQDA (UniBw M license, local instance). The remaining results from the data processing are anonymous, and only these will be used for publication purposes, e.g., publications at conferences or in journals or the final dissertation. During the data analysis of the transcripts, the identification of a person is not necessary, so there is no risk of de-anonymization.

After anonymization (deletion of the coding list), it is theoretically no longer possible to link the evaluation data to a person. You can assert your rights as a data subject at any time up to the time of anonymization and deletion of the administrative data by contacting the person conducting the study, Laura Stojko, or the ADSB.

No automated decision-making (including profiling)

Your personal data will not be processed for the purpose of automated decision-making (including profiling) in accordance with Art. 22 (1) and (4) GDPR.

What technical and organizational measures are implemented?

All data is stored in separate areas of an RZ-Share, sometimes with additional password protection. Access to the RZ-Share is only possible within the university network. The data will, therefore, be processed exclusively within the university, and the original recordings (audio and video) will be transcribed in an individual office. Data analysis will always be pseudonymized until anonymization. If student assistants support the data analysis, they will be instructed in accordance with the guidelines. They will only be given access to the data required for their work following the need-to-know principle.

Which companies/institutes/research partners are we working with to conduct the survey?

Your data will only be processed by UniBw M. Your data will not be transferred to third parties or third countries.


To exercise your right of revocation, please contact Laura Stojko ( or the Administrative Data Protection Officer (ADSB) of the UniBw M ( Please note that once anonymization has been carried out, revocation is no longer possible, as we do not have any personal data at this point, and a reference to a person can no longer be established.

Further information on data protection, including your other rights, the option to complain, and other contact options can be found at

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