Investigating Moving Sectors and Complexity Metrics in Japanese Airspace

14 June 2024

Investigating Moving Sectors and Complexity Metrics in Japanese Airspace

S Göppel, M Schultz, K Tominaga, E Itoh. 2024 International Workshop on ATM/CNS (accepted)

Current air traffic flow management primarily relies on sector-based approaches, where controller workload represents a limiting factor airspace capacity. Moving sectors enable flow-centric traffic concepts and provide a solution for higher capacities. To evaluate effective air traffic concepts, complexity metrics serve as indirect measures of controller workload. This study applies three developed complexity metrics to the Japanese sector-based airspace, which serves as a benchmark for the evaluation of moving sectors. Our results indicate that moving sectors could reduce peak loads by aggregating homogeneous traffic flows. This could lead to increased airspace capacity. The various complexity metrics demonstrate positive correlations and the ability to identify peak loads. Subsequent research will focus on developing and implementing an operational framework for moving sectors, aiming to fully realize their operational advantages. We will develop and apply flow-centric operational concepts, specifically addressing aircraft handovers and interactions between moving sectors. These efforts will validate complexity metrics using human-in-the-loop experiments.