Successful PhD defense of Volker Kempf with highest grade
23 August 2022
Yesterday, Monday, August 22, 2022, the oral PhD defense of Volker Kempf took place. The examination started with a short explanation by the committee chairman Alexander Popp and a convincing 30-minute university-public presentation by Volker Kempf on the main contents of his thesis entitled 'Pressure-robust discretizations for incompressible flow problems on anisotropic meshes'. This was followed by a one-hour questioning of the candidate by the three reviewers Thomas Apel, Alexander Linke and Gunar Matthies under exclusion of the public.
At about 5:00 p.m., the commission finished the examination and arrived back at the institute together with the candidate, where the colleagues were already eagerly waiting. Chairman Alexander Popp was visibly pleased to be able to announce the passing of the examination with the highest grade 'summa cum laude' . In the subsequent speech of the first examiner, Thomas Apel, he went into the genesis of the doctoral project and especially praised Volker Kempf's structured, meticulous and reliable way of working. Afterwards, the succesful candidate thanked all those present and invited them to dinner in a nearby restaurant. As a conclusion of the official part, the doctoral hat, which was lovingly made by the colleagues, was handed over according to the old tradition and the obligatory photo for the doctoral gallery was taken with it.
We congratulate Volker Kempf on his outstanding performance and the well-deserved completion of his doctorate with the highest grade!