CSE Colloquium talk by Benjamin Marussig
2 Februar 2024
On February 1, 2024, the first talk of the year in the research colloquium Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) organized by Professors Apel, Brünig, Kiendl and Popp took place. Benjamin Marussig, Associate Professor at the Institute of Applied Mechanics at the Graz University of Technology gave an excellent presentation on the "Isogeometric Immersed Boundary-Conformal Method" in front of numerous participants. The subsequent discussion and Q&A session confirmed the great interest of the audience. After the event, organizers, speakers and participants came together at a local restaurant for a social gathering.
The CSE Colloquium is taking place on a regular basis - the next talk is already in the starting blocks and has been announced on the CSE Colloquium website and by e-mail. Anyone who would like to be added to the mailing list can contact Philipp Zilk via e-mail: philipp.zilk@unibw.de.