Scientific final presentation for the OPA³L project
26 May 2023
We are very excited to announce that on May 10th we successfully hold our final presentation to show the development done in the last 4 years for the project OPA3L.
OPA3L was a project related to autonomous driving founded by the DLR, which had as a main goal to automate recurring trips in known areas and to present approaches for cooperative maneuvers.
Such complex topic required the involvement not only of academic institutes but also the industry, without this collaboration it would have not been possible such endeavor.
At UniBw München the Professorships of Space Technology (LRT9.1) and Satellite Navigation (LRT9.2) were in charge of two main tasks: 1) to propose a sensor fusion approach and integrate sensor measurements coming from GNSS + HAS, a MEMS IMU and a LiDAR to provide a precise and robust positioning solution and 2) the validation of the system safety.
For more details on the project, please take a look here in the following links:
Extended-SIMSS: Extended Satellite and Inertial Measurement Simulation System