ISTA Presenting at the ION-GNSS+ 2024 in Baltimore!

17 September 2024

The ION-GNSS+ is the World most relevant scientific conference in the field of satellite navigation. This year’s edition is held in Baltimore (US) at September 16-19, 2024. The institute is present with seven papers covering navigation receivers (signals of opportunity, LEO-PNT, precision pseudolites), GNSS/INS integration with RTK-quality and AI, signal intelligence and design of new concepts to broadcast COM- and NAV-signals simultaneously for the same satellite.




Deep Learning Assisted Kalman Filter for GNSS/MEMS IMU Integration in GNSS Denied Environments: Shuo Li, Bosch, Universität der Bundeswehr München; Thomas Pany, Universität der Bundeswehr München; Maxim Mikhaylov, ETH Zurich; Nikoaly Mikhaylov, Fugro Innovation & Technology


Analysis of Combining Communication and Navigation Signals for Emerging LEO Constellations: Dominik Dötterböck, Himanshu Sharma, Thomas Pany Universität der Bundeswehr München


GOOSE-VTL: GNSS/INS Deep Coupling with Fault Detection Strategy for Automotive Markets: Katrin Dietmayer, Szu-Jung Wu, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS); Mohamed Bochkati, University of Bundeswehr; Daniel Seybold, TeleOrbit GmbH; Himanshu Gupta, IIS; Thomas Pany, University of Bundeswehr; Inigo Cortés, Matthias Overbeck, IIS


On the Integration of Tone-Like Signals-of-Opportunity Within a Geodetic Grade GNSS SDR: Christian A. Lichtenberger, Markel Arizabaleta, Florian Binder, Francis Soualle, Clovis Maia, Thomas Pany, University of the Bundeswehr Munich


GNSS Interference Detection and Geolocation from LEO Satellites – Satellite Formation and Payload Design Specific Considerations and Their Impact on the Detection Sensitivity and Geolocation Accuracy: Nikolas Dütsch, Hepzibah Ernest, Thomas Pany, University Bundeswehr Munich; Alberto Prada Campello, Dustin Borheck, Jan Speidel, Hacer Sunay, OHB


New Generation of PNT User Terminals Exploiting Hybridization with LEO Constellations: Francis Soualle, Markel Arizabaleta, Christian Lichtenberger, Thomas Pany, University of the Bundeswehr Munich; Jose A. del Peral-Rosado, Xavier De Vaucorbeil, Gabriele Ligorio, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH; Luca Canzian, Federica Rozzi, Marco Rotoloni, Stefano Garlaschi, Qascom; Francesco Menzione, Ottavio Picchi, Juan Pablo Boyero, European Commission


RTK Performance of the Ultra-low Bandwidth-PLL With Simulated GPS/Galileo L1/L5 Signals and Real-world Urban Signals (TEXCUP): Mohamed Bochkati, Jürgen Dampf, Benedikt Schulz, Thomas Pany; Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications, Space Systems Research Center, University of the Bundeswehr Munich


Low-Cost Pseudolites: A Loop-Back Time Synchronization Scheme for Pseudolites Using Real-Time Clock Offset Calibration for Reliable PNT: Muhammad Subhan Hameed, Mathias Phillip Blum, Thomas Pany, University of the Bundeswehr Munich; Daniel Sanroma, Sowmyashree Lakshmaiah, WORK Microwave GmbH