In my research, I am focusing on tool creation and tool integration for diagrams and text. I have a special interest in user interaction, (collaborative) authoring & change tracking, and visualization & layout.
Diagram Editors & Text Editors
We have a strong background in the development of many kinds of diagram editors. We mainly use the editor generation framework DiaMeta, but also have lots of experience with JavaFX-based and GEF-based solutions. We usually follow a model-driven approach, and use technologies such as EMF and Xtext.
We also have some knowledge in the development of text editors. Here, we use the same technologies as for diagram editors.
Special Interests
- User Interaction: Of special interest is how users interact with diagram and text editors.
- Collaborative Authoring & Change Tracking: Of special interest is (collaborative) authoring and change tracking of diagrams and text.
- Visualization & Layout: Of special interest is the visualization and layout of diagrams and text.
- Settings:
- Multiple users, working on the same or on different devices
- Different (multi-)touch-enabled devices, such as tablets or large interactive displays
Layout Framework for Diagram Editors
We have developed a layout framework, which is specifically designed for diagram editors. As a proof of concept, we included the layout framework into several DiaMeta-based, JavaFX-based and GEF-based editors.
Further details about the framework can be found here: [Layout Framework]