New publication on the modeling of cerebral aneurysm treatment

31 Juli 2024


We have published first results on the modeling of cerebral aneurysm treatment in a joint publication in the journal GAMM-Mitteilungen as part of the collaboration within the DFG project SPP 2311 - Robust Coupling of Continuum Biomechanical In Silico Models for Active Biological Systems as a Precursor to Clinical Applications. This work has been done in collaboration with our partners from the Chair of Numerical Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich and the medical partners from the department of neuroradiology of the Klinikum Rechts der Isar.

The work provides a detailed insight on various simulation methods and techniques used to describe the treatment of cerebral aneurysms. Starting from the imaging data of an cerebral aneurysm, different modeling approaches for the aneurysm itself and medical devices, such as coils, flow diverters, and woven endo bridges are presented. Also the impact of coils on blood flow within a patient-specific aneurysm, as well as a description of a surrogate model for flow diverters using porous media, are discussed.


Frank, M., Holzberger, F., Horvat, M., Kirschke, J., Mayr, M., Muhr, M., Nebulishvili, N., Popp, A., Schwarting, J., & Wohlmuth, B. (2024). Numerical simulation of endovascular treatment options for cerebral aneurysms. In GAMM-Mitteilungen. Wiley. DOI (Open Access) doi.png