Matthias Mayr appointed as head of Data Science & Computing Lab
23 April 2022
Although he has already acted in this capacity since the founding of the Data Science & Computing Lab (DSC Lab) in September 2020, Dr.-Ing. Matthias Mayr has now officially been appointed as Head of the DSC Lab as of April 1st, 2022. With his combined expertise in numerical simulation, iterative solvers and high-performance computing, IMCS is looking forward to Dr. Mayr’s vision in shaping the future of the DSC Lab and to advance scientific activities across all our research topics!
To support our mission, the DSC Lab operates its own computing cluster with 1312 processors to provide state-of-the-art computing facilities to all researchers at IMCS. In addition, it provides access to leading research software, among them Trilinos, BACI, or spack, and collaborates with IMCS researchers in the active development of these tools.
Since its founding in 2020, the DSC Lab has made significant contributions to research in Computational Contact Mechanics (T. A. Wiesner, M. Mayr, A. Popp, M. W. Gee, W. A. Wall: Algebraic multigrid methods for saddle point systems arising from mortar contact formulations, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engrg., 122(15):3749-3779, 2021; M. Mayr, A. Popp: Scalable computational kernels for mortar finite element methods, submitted for publication) and Algebraic Multigrid Methods (M. Mayr, L. Berger-Vergiat, P. Ohm, R. S. Tuminaro: Non-invasive multigrid for semi-structured grids, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, accepted for publication). Within the Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the Bundeswehr (dtec.bw), the DSC Lab is involved in the project "hpc.bw: competence center for software efficiency and high performance computing" to develop sustainable HPC software for multi-physics problems.
Happy computing!