1st German Workshop on Next-Generation Software Development in Computational Mechanics
6 February 2023
Several researchers from the Institute for Mathematics and Computer-Based Simulation participated in the "1st German Workshop on Next-Generation Software Development in Computational Mechanics", which took place in the TUM Akademiezentrum Raitenhaslach on February 1-3, 2023. The workshop brought together nearly 40 graduates/post-graduates and 4 professors from the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, the Technical University of Munich, University of Augsburg, and the Helmholtz Center Hereon to discuss recent advances and future perspectives in research software engineering.
Besides detailed technical sessions on specific code projects, all participants have discussed the benefits of making research software available as open-source projects and have exchanged ideas on how to achieve this goal even for long-standing closed-source legacy codes. Further discussions revolved around two popular software libraries in scientific computing, deal.ii and Trilinos, and how they can be leveraged to write performant and versatile multi-physics code.
To educate ourselves and to make our software development activities ready for modern and emerging computing hardware, Prof. Dr. Martin Kronbichler (Chair for High Performance Computing, University of Augsburg) delivered a keynote lecture on "Performance optimized programming", where he covered topics from the basics (such as hardware architectures) all the way to state-of-the-art algorithms and software implementations ready for the world's leading supercomputers.
To foster the spirit and engagement within the community, all participants joined two social activities: Guided by the questions "How to promote a software in 30 seconds?", small teams prepared brief presentations to pitch their favorite software tool to the community, followed by an introduction and some first steps into the traditional Bavarian card game "Schafkopfen".
We thank the Institute for Computational Mechanics (TU Munich) for organizing this workshop and bringing so many interesting people to one location to discuss the topic of research software engineering!