Institute with own session at the EAAP
25 September 2018
Although it is already the third time that scientists of the professorship participate in the EAAP conference, the Institute of Flight Systems presents itself for the first time in its own session. The session focuses on the results of the experimental campaign in the helicopter simulator (we reported). EAAP stands for "European Association for Aviation Psychology". The EAAP conference takes place every two years, this time in historic Dubrovnik. There are truly worse destinations. After an overview lecture by Prof. Axel Schulte, Carsten Meyer, Fabian Schmitt, Dennis Mund and Yannick Brand report on their work. Prof. Peter Stütz and Christian Ruf from the Aeronautical Engineering sister professorship as well as Dr. Diana Donath are also present. The specialist lectures are met with great interest, especially among human factors engineering developers from corresponding industrial companies.
The photo shows Dennis Mund, Carsten Meyer, Dr. Diana Donath, Prof. Axel Schulte and Yannick Brand (from left to right) against a picturesque scenery of the southern Adriatic.