Building PREPAREDness with Collaborative Knowledge Platform, Gamification and Serious Game in Virtual Reality

Project description

B-prepared aims to create a collaboration and co-creation ecosystem for enhancing citizen preparedness for disasters and crises via serious gaming, gamified e-learning, and knowledge sharing. It consists of the core platform Disastropedia, a knowledge base of disasters and crises, and repository of relevant game development resources. Game and Learning Management System developers can connect their system to Disastropedia through an API and use it to build their own games. Users can collaborate by working together to create new content or contribute to existing games, apps or learning content by taking on different roles to solve puzzles in an immersive experience. Team play, collaboration and communication are keys to survival; they reinforce the citizens’ knowledge, resilience and awareness in times of increasing natural and manmade disasters.


Duration: 01.10.2023 – 30.09.2026


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Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Consortium partners

The European Research Executive Agency (REA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’), and on the following participants:

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HVL.jpg li_u.jpg TU_logo-1.jpg
Genova_transp.png SFC.jpg TFC-1.jpg
ekon.jpg YelloMap.jpg Edugamitec.jpg
NPO.jpg USTKA.jpg PUI.jpg

Key Contributions of UniBw M

Mission autonomy for first response

In B-prepared, UniBw M focuses on integrating automation in the game, in order to increase interactivity and immersion for players, who will play the role of citizens confronted with disasters. More concretely, UniBw M translate standard operating procedures practiced by first responders into machine intelligence of non-player characters, to be automatized fully as first responders in the games. Additionally, reactive behaviors will be included as well into the non-player characters to emulate human first responders in the games for more interactivity.

Heterogeneous multi-agent mission


For more realistic serious games, it is essential to assimilate complexity of the real-world. First response operations are by nature heterogeneous multi-agent missions, in which various but limited assets and resources are involved. The UniBw M will use planning and optimization techniques for multi-agent mission planning. Software-based resource management will be integrated as well for imposing more realistic constraints on the serious game platform

Co-creation with end users


UniBw M’s aim in B-prepare is to developed usable AI-based technologies for social good. We emphasizes on the co-creation of exploitable results with end users and stakeholders. For this, we will work with CONOPS approach to define first responders’ non-player characters in the storyline of the games. The results produced will be tested together with end users (i.e. citizens, players, etc.) to verify and validate the usability and acceptance of the technologies by evaluating User Experience (UX) in the large-scale hackathon together with other participants of the consortium. Finally, software code developed by the UniBw M will be made publicly available for future long-term exploitation.

Principal investigator