Researchers of the Institute in San Diego
9 February 2019
The International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI) is taking place for the second time (after Dubai 2018), this time in San Diego, CA. The topic is a direct hit for the research of the Chair of Aircraft Dynamics and Flight Guidance. With the scientific direction of the conference track "Human Autonomy Teaming" Professor Axel Schulte is actively involved in the design of the conference program. The staff of the professorship contributes to the sessions with six articles and lectures in the areas of AI-based multi-UAV mission planning, detection of pilot activity and workload by means of behavioral observation and physiological sensors, task-based UAV guidance, and variable degrees of autonomy in Manned-Unmanned Teaming Missions (MUM-T). This is an enormous spectrum, which makes a considerable impression on the expert community, as the numerous expert talks and discussions show.
Fortunately, the conference also leaves some room for exploration. The photo shows our delegation at Coronado Beach, a perfect place to observe aircraft movements of the US Navy. (in the photo from left to right: Matthew Masters, Sebastian Lindner, Jane Jean Kiam, Diana Donath, Axel Schulte, Fabian Honecker and Felix Heilemann).