Summer School at Lake Garda
24 October 2018
"There is no requirement for bad places ..." could have been the motto for the first summer school of the Chair of Aircraft Dynamics and Flight Guidance in Limone sul Garda. In fact, the 16 doctoral students had to fight their way through an almost two-day lecture program on Human-Automation Integration and Manned-unmanned Teaming. At first, Prof. Schulte lectured with the support of Dr. Donath. On the second day there were group presentations on mission planning, intelligent UAV guidance, pilot's mental models and pilot assistance. Also a lot of space was given to lively discussions. But also the socializing with pizza, pasta and "vino frizzante" was not neglected. The result is a strengthened professional networking of the employees, a great working atmosphere and ... Pure motivation!
The photo shows the staff of the professorship, 16 doctoral students, our team assistant Mrs. Sabella, the workshop crew with Mr. Gebhardt and Mr. Pratter, our Dr. Donath and Prof. Schulte, a total of 21 people "fully entered".