Big Event for CASIMUS
17 April 2018
CASIMUS stands for five years of intensive research on automation and human-machine interaction for Manned-unmanned Teaming Missions (MUM-T) at the Institute of Flight Systems. Today the institute finally presents the outstanding results to about 20 representatives of the German Armed Forces, soldiers and officials, industry and large research institutions.
CASIMUS stands for "Cognitive Automated Sensor Integrated Unmanned Mission System" and is being developed under the direction of the Chair of Aircaft Dynamics and Flight Guidance in close cooperation with the Chair of Aeronautical Engineering. In addition to the lectures on the main research topics of task-based UAV guidance, mixed initiative mission planning, adaptive pilot assistance (MiRA-CA project) and the AE topics sensor management and landing zone reconnaissance, there was an extensive laboratory demonstration in which a complete MUM-T mission was carried out in the mission simulator, and the innovative functions were demonstrated to a clearly impressed audience. Afterwards we went outside for a flight demonstration of selected functionalities on our airfield.
The photo shows our university president Prof. Dr. Merith Niehuss welcoming the guests at the Bundeswehr University in Munich.