Yannick Brand obtains doctorate despite Corona
19 May 2020
Yannick Brand, MSc, is a doctor of engineering. As if one does not have enough challenges to master during a doctorate, he is also faced with the doctoral examination under corona conditions. But he wouldn't be Yannick Brand, aerospace engineer of our own university department and research associate of the professorship from 2013 to 2018, if he didn't also manage this on the side. So he delivers his polished lecture under Zoom and defends online his dissertation on the subject of "Workload-adaptive and task-specific intervention generation of a cockpit assistance system" and carries the project to the absolutely well-deserved top mark: Summa Cum Laude!
Prof. Schulte, Yannick Brand's doctoral supervisor, is proud and happy to have led his fourth own graduate to the doctorate (after Matzner, Wohler, Clauß). In contrast to most cases, Dr. Brand will continue to work in the field of the institute. Together with Fabian Schmitt, he has been managing director of the spin-off company HAT.tec since the beginning of 2019.
Well, the celebration is a little more intimate than usual due to the general conditions, but a glass of sparkling wine outside, of course in compliance with all safety precautions, is also something nice in this weather. The "real" celebration will surely be made up for.
The photo shows (from left to right) Prof. Axel Schulte, Dr. Yannick Brand and Fabian Schmitt at the traditional handing over of the doctoral hat with subsequent "tie-cutting".