Fabian Schmitt presents Best Paper at NATO Symposium
16 October 2018
Fabian Schmitt was awarded for the "Best Paper" at the NATO Symposium on "Human Autonomy Teaming" in Portsmouth, UK. His presentation and the paper "Experimental Evaluation of a Cooperative Automation Approach for Manned-Unmanned Teaming in Future Military Helicopter Missions" were very well received in the Technical Evaluation Report, which is written by an international team led by Dr. Robert M. Taylor (dstl). The symposium of the Human Factors and Medicine Panel (HFM) of the NATO Science & Technology Organisation is the closing event of the working group HFM-247, to which Prof. Schulte and Dr. Donath belonged alongside distinguished international scientists from six NATO nations (we reported).
In the award-winning article, Fabian Schmitt reports on the Institute's approaches to designing cockpit automation in such a way that a real cooperation between the human cockpit crew and the designated "cognitive agent" can be established. We also speak of the "digital copilot", without whom the execution of MUM-T missions (Manned-unmanned Teaming) would not be feasible. This realization is also gradually gaining ground in the international industry, as the lively response from this side shows.
The photo shows institute employee Fabian Schmitt in his almost legendary Steve-Jobs-pose ... his lecture Rock 'n' Roll – it shows again that we are at the forefront of Manned-unmanned Teaming!