Radicalization and gender - what do we know New ICCT-report by Eva Herschinger and co-authors on the gaps in research on gender and radicalization
Call for Papers for the Annual Conference of the Thematic Group "Critical Security Studies" at CISS Submit your proposal now for the conference of the DVPW group at CISS.
New study on gender constructions in Salafism published The BAMF study examines the role of gender images for radicalization and deradicalization. Eva Herschinger is one of the co-authors.
Research Project on the Regulation of Cybersecurity in the EU and the US Verena Jackson is conducting a comparative law project at Stanford University (USA) on the similarities and differences in the legal frameworks for cybersecurity in the EU and the US.
International Law for AI & Autonomy in Military Operations Presentation by Verena Jackson on the legal and ethical challenges of using AI in military systems
Invitation to the digital workshop "Accountability and control of intelligence services in Germany" The thematic group "Critical Security Studies" of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) invites you to a digital workshop on "Accountability and Control of Intelligence Services in Germany" on Monday, May 13, 2024 (9:30 am - 1:00 pm).
The Taurus leak and its significance for supporters of Ukraine Eva Herschinger speaks on the topic in a report of the Spanish newspaper "El Confidential"
Terror lists: How the EU and UN fight terrorism in similar ways New article by Eva Herschinger and Martin Koch on the global fight against terrorism
10 years after Edward Snowden's publications: Digital Workshop on Intelligence Research in Germany Workshop (in German) on September 18, 2023 (9am-1pm): Register now!
Fans of Laclau/Mouffe listen up: podcast episode on the two discourse theorists with Eva Herschinger In the podcast "Critically Linked" Eva Herschinger talks about the topicality of the work "Hegemony and Socialist Strategy" by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.
Tune in! SZ-Podcast episode on the topic of female terrorists Eva Herschinger talks about women in terrorism and the many stereotypes and prejudices surrounding female terrorists in an episode of the SZ Geschichte Daily Podcast.
Four new publications on terrorism and radicalization released! In two handbook and two edited volume contributions, Eva Herschinger addresses theories, ideologies, and prevention of terrorism as well as online radicalization and gender.
Are women still the great unknown in terrorism? Or just fellow travelers? Two new contributions by Eva Herschinger on the topic of gender and terrorism in the richly illustrated volume of the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
History of the Intelligence Services: Of Trust and Distrust Marcel Schmeer reports from the 53rd Historikertag on the section on the relationship between the public and intelligence services since 1945. Report freely available on the online portal H-Soz-Kult.
Not a male-only affair: Podcast on terrorism and gender roles Eva Herschinger talks about the importance of women in terrorism in the podcast of the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
Verena Jackson is Visiting Scholar at Duke University School of Law At the invitation of Duke University School of Law in Durham, NC, Verena Jackson is spending two months in the USA.
Structure or Agency? New publication on a well-known topic in international politics In International Relations, much research has been done on the relationship between structure and agency.... But: new, fresh ideas on the topic by Eva Herschinger and Frank Sauer. Open Access!
New project on gender-sensitive deradicalization work Deradicalization work for women and girls in the area of Salafism is still in its infancy. The project aims to contribute with new concepts and insights.
QAnon, Querdenken and Democracy Conspiracy movements like QAnon, explains Eva Herschinger in an interview with the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung from Heidelberg, are a potential danger to democracy.
Radicalization of Society? In a new publication Eva Herschinger, Kemal Bozay, Magdalena von Drachenfels, Oliver Decker and Christian Joppke analyze factors that favor societal radicalization.
New publication on female radicalization The radicalization of women can be understood as politicization argues Eva Herschinger.