Inaugural Meeting: Go-Ahead for SPACE Research Center
21 February 2020
The inaugural meeting of the new SPACE research center took place on Thursday, February 13, 2020. Professors Thomas Pany, Jochen Schein, Andreas Knopp and Roger Förstner were elected to the board. The spokespersons are Professor Förstner and Professor Knopp.
The objective of the SPACE research center is to pool and advance research and expertise in aerospace and aerospace use at UniBw M.
New members are always welcome. For membership inquiries, please contact Professor Förstner or Professor Knopp. Their contact details can be found at Members>>
Lead image from left to right: Board member Professor Jochen Schein, initiator and board member Professor Andreas Knopp, Professor Michael Pfitzner, initiator and board member Professor Roger Förstner, Professor Christian Mundt, Professor Stefan Lindenmeier and initiator and board member Professor Thomas Pany (© Universität der Bundeswehr München/Siebold)