Wargaming Agile Values with Scrum

22 Mai 2024

Recently, the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS) had the opportunity to conduct a wargame with senior representatives from the German Armed Forces, focusing on its research areas of Wargaming and Information Systems. The wargame centered on the application of Scrum and agile principles in military organizational structures.

Wargaming is a comprehensive method where participants make decisions in a simulated competitive or conflict environment and face the consequences of their decisions. In our conducted wargame, the conflict was less between the participating teams and more between the teams and the bureaucratic structures that hinder an agile culture. Wargames provide the perfect experimental environment to practice methods like Scrum and agile principles, thus broadening the experience horizon of leaders.

Our results showed that agility and the German Armed Forces are not fundamentally opposed. The leadership philosophy of "Innere Führung" in the Bundeswehr includes many aspects of agility and self-responsibility. However, it is crucial not only to understand agile methods but also to have leadership knowledge on how to promote communication within teams without reverting to old hierarchical patterns.

We thank the participants and the emerging German wargaming community for their tips and tricks on implementing wargames and look forward to further collaboration to increasingly use wargaming to enhance leadership capabilities.


Picture: © iStockphoto | matejmo