Christian Nitzl is nominated for Silver Medal
25 Mai 2021
The paper "Beyond a tandem analysis of SEM and PROCESS: Use of PLS-SEM for mediation analyses!" co-authored by PD Dr. Christian Nitzl, Senior Researcher at CISS, is currently the most cited paper in the Journal of Market Research. In addition, the article was nominated by the Market Research Society (MRS) for this year's Silver Medal award.
Mediation analyses are popular approaches in empirical research to investigate impact mechanisms and their influencing factors. In the paper, the authors show that partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) should always be preferred over regression analysis in the statistical analysis of mediations because in PLS-SEM the path relationships are estimated simultaneously. Furthermore, when latent construct measures are used, they are taken into account directly in the estimations.
The paper can be accessed here.
The list of nominees for the Silver Medal can be found here.