The model

The Apprenticeship Training Integrated Study (German: Ausbildungsintegrierter Studiengang, AiS) is a cooperation between the insurance industry in Munich and the Bundeswehr University Munich with the aim of studying Economics and Management while receiving training as a Management Assistant for Insurance and Finance.

Numerous companies of the Munich insurance industry, the German Insurance Association for Vocational Training in Munich (Berufsbildungswerk der Versicherungswirtschaft in München e.V.) as well as the Department of Economics and Management are responsible for the Apprenticeship Training Integrated Study.

The cooperation between the university and the insurance industry enjoys a good reputation among the companies. For them, the advantages of intensive studies are particularly decisive. With the small group principle and the trimester system, students can earn a Master's degree in four and a half years. Currently, 87 employees of insurance companies are participants in this cooperation.

After completing their high school diploma (Abitur), the participants start their Master of Science studies at the Bundeswehr University Munich. As an intermediate step, they acquire a Bachelor of Science degree and at the same time complete their training as Management Assistants for Insurance and Finance with their employers. Afterwards the graduates work for well-known insurance companies such as Allianz, Generali, Munich Re, Swiss Life and Versicherungskammer Bayern.


The program's first year participants founded an AiS-Xing group to keep in contact with students and others interested in the program.

Contact at the university

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schüler
Fakultät für Wirtschaft- und Organisationswissenschaften
Professur für Finanzwirtschaft und Finanzdienstleistungen
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85577 Neubiberg
E-Mail: andreas.schü

Further information

Further information about the Apprenticeship Training Integrated Study is available at the German Insurance Association for Vocational Training in Munich (in German):

Informationen zum "Münchner Modell" der Versicherungswirtschaft