Publications of Markus Siegle
"Behaviour analysis of communication systems: Compositional modelling, compact representation and analysis of performability properties"
M. Siegle
Habilitationsschrift (habilitation thesis), Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, 2002
Advisors: Ulrich Herzog, Marta Kwiatkowska
"Beschreibung und Analyse von Markovmodellen mit grossem Zustandsraum" (in German)
M. Siegle
Dissertation (doctoral thesis), Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Arbeitsberichte des IMMD, Band 28, Nummer 7, 1995
Advisors: Ulrich Herzog, Fridolin Hofmann
Books and Edited Volumes
"Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization: from Theory to Applications - CTW2023"
A. Brieden, S. Pickl, M. Siegle (editors)
AIRO Springer series, Vol. 13, 2024
Springer Link
Selected Papers of the "10th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2013)"
K. Joshi, M. Siegle (editors)
Special Issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science
"Quantiative Evaluation of Systems - 10th Int. Conf. QEST 2013"
K. Joshi, M. Stoelinga, M. Siegle, P. D'Argenio (editors)
Springer, LNCS 8054, 2013
Springer Link
"Quantitative Models for Performance and Dependability - selected papers from 2nd Workshop QMPD 2012"
M. Siegle (editor)
ENTCS Volume 291, Pages 1-26 (January 2013)
Elsevier Link
"Operations Research Proceedings 2010"
Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society
B. Hu, K. Morasch, S. Pickl, M. Siegle (editors)
Springer, 2011
Springer Link
"Validation of Stochastic Systems - A Guide to Current Research"
C. Baier, B. Haverkort, H. Hermanns, J.-P. Katoen, M. Siegle (editors)
Springer, LNCS 2925, 2004
Springer Link
"Messung und Modellierung paralleler und verteilter Rechensysteme" (in German)
R. Klar, P. Dauphin, F. Hartleb, R. Hofmann, B. Mohr, A. Quick, M. Siegle
Teubner, Stuttgart, 1995
Springer Link
Papers 2025
"Formal error bounds for the state space reduction of Markov chains"
F. Michel, M. Siegle
Performance Evaluation Journal, Vol. 167, March 2025, 102464
Elsevier Link, a shorter preliminary version is available here
Papers 2024
"Markov Chain Aggregation with Error Bounds on Transient Distributions"
F. Michel, M. Siegle
in Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA 2024), Springer LNCS 14826, pp. 1-17, September 2024
Springer Link, a preliminary version is available here
"Rate Lifting for Stochastic Process Algebra by Transition Context Augmentation"
A. Soltanieh, M. Siegle
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Vol. 34, Issue 3, Article No. 20, 30 pages, July 2024
ACM Link, a preliminary version is available here
Papers 2023
"Scaled Agile: Toolgestützte Echtzeitplausibilisierung des PI-Planning" Best Paper Award!
U. Vogl, M. Siegle
Proceedings of "Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle (PVM 2023)", A. Kalenborn et al. Ed., Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Vol. P-340, Gesellschaft für Informatik Bonn, S. 149-159, 2023
LNI Link, preprint available here
Papers 2022
"Rate Lifting for Stochastic Process Algebra - Exploiting Structural Properties -"
M. Siegle, A. Soltanieh
Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2022), pp. 67-84, Springer LNCS 13479
Springer Link, a preliminary report (extended version) is available here
Papers 2021
"Solving Systems of Bilinear Equations for Transition Rate Reconstruction"
A. Soltanieh, M. Siegle
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2021), pp. 157-172, Springer LNCS 12818
Springer Link, preprint available here
Papers 2020
"It sometimes works: A lifting algorithm for repair of Stochastic Process Algebra models"
A. Soltanieh, M. Siegle
Proceedings of 20th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB 2020), pp. 190-207, Springer LNCS 12040
Springer Link, preprint available here
"Compositional Model Checking and Model Repair for a Class of Product Form Models"
A. Soltanieh, M. Siegle
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 353, 2020, pp. 129-148 (Proc. of 10th Int. Workshop on Practical Applications of Stochastic Modelling (PASM 2019))
Elsevier Link, preprint available here
Papers 2019
"Markov chains with perturbed rates to absorption: Theory and application to model repair"
A. Gouberman, M. Siegle, B. S. K. Tati
Performance Evaluation, 130(2019), pp. 32-50
Elsevier Link
Papers 2017
"Perturbation of CTMC Trapping Probabilities with Application to Model Repair"
A. Gouberman, M. Siegle, B. S. K. Tati
Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Valuetools 2017), pp. 36-43, ACM
ACM Link
"A new approach to predicting reliable project runtimes via probabilistic model checking"
U. Vogl, M. Siegle
14th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2017), LNCS 10497, pp. 117-132
Springer Link
"A new approach to predicting reliable project runtimes via probabilistic model checking"
U. Vogl, M. Siegle
13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2017) (extended abstract, 3 pages)
External Link, preprint available here
"Analysing reward measures of LARES performability models by discontinuous Markov chains"
A. Gouberman, M. Riedl, M. Siegle
Int. Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 7(1) 2017, pp. 22-42
Papers 2016
"Rate Reduction for State-labelled Markov Chains with Upper Time-bounded CSL Requirements"
B. S. K. Tati, M. Siegle
Proc. of 3rd Int. Workshop on Synthesis of Complex Parameters (SynCoP '16), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 220, pp. 77–89, July 2016
Papers 2015
"Parameter and Controller Synthesis for Markov Chains with Actions and State Labels"
B. S. K. Tati, M. Siegle
Proc. of 2nd Int. Workshop on Synthesis of Complex Parameters (SynCoP '15), pp. 63-76, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASICS)
Papers 2014
"Markov Automata: Deciding weak bisimulation by means of non-naively vanishing states"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Information and Computation (237), pp. 151-173, Oct. 2014
ScienceDirect Link
"Markov Reward Models and Markov Decision Processes in Discrete and Continuous Time: Performance Evaluation and Optimization"
A. Gouberman, M. Siegle
In: Stochastic Model Checking - Rigorous Dependability Analysis Using Model Checking Techniques for Stochastic Systems, Springer LNCS 8453, pp. 156-241, 2014
Springer Link
"An IDE for the LARES Toolset"
A. Gouberman, C. Grand, M. Riedl, M. Siegle
Proc. of 17th International Conference on Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing Systems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance (MMB & DFT 2014), Springer LNCS 8376, pp. 240-254, 2014
Springer Link
"A Symbolic Approach to the Analysis of Multi-Formalism Markov Reward Models"
K. Lampka, M. Siegle
in "Theory and Application of Multi-Formalism Modeling", Gribaudo, M., Iacono, M. (Eds.), pp. 170-195, IGI Global, 2014
Papers 2013
"Lattice Structures for Bisimilar Probabilistic Automata"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 15th Int. Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems (INFINITY 2013), Hanoi, Vietnam, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 140, pp. 1–15, 2014
"Transformation of LARES performability models to continuous-time Markov reward models"
A. Gouberman, M. Riedl, M. Siegle
Proc. of 7th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2013), 13 pages, Universita Degli Studi Firenze, Florence, Italy, 2013
"Bewertung der Zuverlässigkeit selbstoptimierender Systeme mit dem LARES-Framework"
T. Meyer, C. Sondermann-Wölke, W. Sextro, M. Riedl, A. Gouberman, M. Siegle
9. Paderborner Workshop Entwurf Mechatronischer Systeme, pp. 161-174, Heinz-Nixdorf-Institut, 2013
"A Modular and Hierarchical Modelling Approach for Stochastic Control"
A. Gouberman, M. Riedl, M. Siegle
32nd IASTED Int. Conf. on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC 2013), ACTA Press, 10 pages, DOI: 10.2316/P.2013.794-066, 2013
Papers 2012
"Scale-Freeness of SPA Models with Weighted Immediate Actions"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 9th European Performance Evaluation Workshop (EPEW 2012), Springer LNCS 7587, pp. 48-62, 2013
"A Modelling and Analysis Environment for LARES"
A. Gouberman, M. Riedl, J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 16th International Conference on Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing Systems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance (MMB & DFT 2012), Springer LNCS 7201, pp. 244-248, 2012
"A LAnguage for REconfigurable dependable Systems: Semantics & Dependability Model Transformation"
M. Riedl, M. Siegle
Proc. of Sixth International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2012), pp. 78-89, CNAM. Paris, France, 2012
"Scalable Stochastic Modelling for Resilience"
J. Bradley, L. Cloth, R. Hayden, L. Kloul, P. Reinecke, M. Siegle, N. Thomas. K. Wolter
in "Resilience Assessment and Evaluation of Computing Systems", Wolter, K., Avritzer, A., Vieira, M., van Moorsel, A. (Eds.), pp. 115-151, Springer, 2012
"Markov Automata: Deciding Weak Bisimulation by means of non-naively Vanishing States"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Computing Research Repository 1205.6192, 22 pages, 2012
Papers 2011
"Path-based calculation of MTTFF, MTTFR, and asymptotic unavailability with the stochastic process algebra tool CASPA"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Journal of Risk and Reliability 225(4), pp. 399-406, Dec. 2011
"On some variants of a switch model from the literature"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 7th International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR 2011), Cambridge (UK), 6 pages, 2011
"On lifetime optimization of Boolean parallel systems with Erlang repair distributions"
A. Gouberman, M. Siegle
Operations Research Proceedings 2010, Springer, pp. 187-192, 2011
Papers 2010
"Partially-shared zero-suppressed multi-terminal BDDs: concept, algorithms and applications"
K. Lampka, M. Siegle, J. Ossowski, C. Baier
Formal Methods in System Design (2010) 36, pp. 198-222
"Modeling and Simulation of Embedded Real-Time Multicore Systems"
M. Deubzer, M. Hobelsberger, J. Mottok, F. Schiller, R. Dumke, M. Siegle, U. Margull, M. Niemetz, G. Wirrer
Proc. of Embedded Software Engineering Kongress 2010, Sindelfingen (Germany), 14 pages, 2010
"Symbolic calculation of k-shortest paths and related measures with the stochastic process algebra tool CASPA"
M. Günther, J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 1st Int. Workshop on Dynamic Aspects in Dependability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems (DYADEM-FTS, in conjunction with EDCC 2010), pp. 13-18, ACM, 2010
"Dependability modelling with the stochastic process algebra tool CASPA"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle, Tool paper, Proc. of 1st Int. Workshop on Dynamic Aspects in Dependability Models for Fault-Tolerant Systems (DYADEM-FTS, in conjunction with EDCC 2010), pp. 35-36, 2010
"Speeding up the Symbolic Multilevel Algorithm"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 6th Int. Workshop on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains (NSMC 2010), pp. 79-82, 2010
"Dependability model transformation - a stochastic process algebra semantics for ZuverSicht models"
M. Riedl, J. Schuster, M. Siegle, M. Blum, F. Schiller
Reliability, Risk and Safety (ESREL 2010), pp. 932-940, Taylor & Francis 2010
Papers 2009
"LARES - A Novel Approach for Describing System Reconfigurability in Dependability Models of Fault-Tolerant Systems"
M. Walter, A. Gouberman, M. Riedl, J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL'09), pp. 153-160, Taylor & Francis 2009
"An Efficient Symbolic Elimination Algorithm for the Stochastic Process Algebra Tool CASPA"
J. Bachmann, M. Riedl, J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 35th Int. Conf. on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'09), pp. 485-496, Springer LNCS 5404, 2009
Papers 2008
"A symbolic multilevel method with sparse submatrix representation for memory-speed tradeoff"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 14. GI/ITG Conf. Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB08) , F. Bause and P. Buchholz (eds.), pp. 191-205, VDE-Verlag, 2008
"Recent extensions to the stochastic process algebra tool CASPA"
M. Riedl, J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 5th International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST'08), pp. 113-114, IEEE Computer Society, 2008
"A view-probability-matrix approach to the modelling of gossiping protocols"
T. Krieger, M. Riedl, J. Schuster, M. Siegle
ACM Performance Evaluation Review 36(3), pp. 23-30, 2008
"Special Issue on the Quantitative Analysis of Gossiping Protocols"
B. Haverkort, M. van Steen, M. Siegle (eds.)
ACM Performance Evaluation Review 36(3), 2008
Papers 2007
"Model Checking Markov Chains with Actions and State Labels"
C.Baier, L. Cloth, B. Haverkort, M. Kuntz, M. Siegle
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33(4), pp. 209-224, April 2007
"Can matrix-layout-independent numerical solvers be efficient? - Implementing the Moebius State-Level Abstract Functional Interface for ZDDs"
K. Lampka, S. Harwarth, M. Siegle
Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Valuetools'07), SMCtools Workshop, ACM press, ISBN 978-963-9799-00-4, 10 pages, 2007
"A Multilevel Algorithm Based on Binary Decision Diagrams"
J. Schuster, M. Siegle
Proc. of 14th Int. Conf. on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA'07), K. Al-Begain, A. Heindl and M. Telek (eds.), pp. 129-136, Prague, 2007
"OpenSESAME: The Simple but Extensive, Structured Availability Environment"
M. Walter, M. Siegle, A. Bode
Reliability Engineering and System Safety Journal 93(6), Elsevier, pp. 857-873, 2007.
Papers 2006
"Analysis of Markov Reward Models using Zero-suppressed Multi-terminal BDDs"
K. Lampka, M. Siegle
Proc. of 1st Int. Conf. on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (Valuetools'06), ACM press, ISBN 1-59593-504-5, 10 pages, 2006
"An easy-to-use, efficient tool-chain to analyze the availability of telecommunication equipment"
K. Lampka, M. Siegle, M. Walter
Proc. of 11th Int. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS'06), Springer, LNCS 4346, pages 35-50, 2007
"Symbolic Model Checking of Stochastic Systems: Theory and Implementation"
M. Kuntz, M. Siegle
Proc. of 13th Int. SPIN Workshop, LNCS 3925, pp. 89-107, 2006
"Verifying Finite State Machines in Probabilistic Environments"
M. Siegle
Proc. of 9th ITG/GI/GMM Workshop "Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen" (MBMV), pp. 248-254, 2006
"Activity-Local Symbolic State Graph Generation for High-Level Stochastic Models" Best Paper Award!
K. Lampka, M. Siegle
Proc. of 13th GI/ITG Conference on "Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems" (MMB), pp. 245-263, 2006
"CASPA: Symbolic Model Checking of Stochastic Systems"
M. Kuntz, M. Siegle
Proc. of 13th GI/ITG Conference on "Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems" (MMB), pp. 469-472, 2006
Papers 2004
"Model Checking Action- and State-Labelled Markov Chains"
C.Baier, L. Cloth, B. Haverkort, M. Kuntz, M. Siegle
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Performance and Dependability Symposium (PDS), pp. 701-710, IEEE Computer Society, 2004
"CASPA: A Tool for Symbolic Performance and Dependability Evaluation"
M. Kuntz, M. Siegle, E. Werner
Supplemental Volume of Proc. of Int. Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), pp. 90-91, 2004
"Symbolic Performance and Dependability Evaluation with the Tool CASPA"
M. Kuntz, M. Siegle, E. Werner
Proc. of First European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW), FORTE'04 Workshop, Springer LNCS 3236, pp. 293-307, 2004
"A Stochastic Extension of the Logic PDL"
M. Kuntz, M. Siegle
Technical Report, Universtiy of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Dept. of Computer Science, TR 2004/05.
Papers 2003
"On the use of MTBDDs for performability analysis and verification of stochastic systems"
H. Hermanns, M. Kwiatkowska, G. Norman, D. Parker, M. Siegle
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, Vol 56(1-2), pp. 23-67, 2003
"A tool for model-checking Markov chains"
H. Hermanns, J.-P. Katoen, J. Meyer-Kayser, M. Siegle
Int. Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Vol 4(2), pp. 153-172, 2003
"Symbolic Activity-Local State Graph Generation in the Context of Mobius"
K. Lampka, M. Siegle
ICALP'03 Satellite Workshop on Stochastic Petri Nets and Related Formalisms, appeared as Tech. Rep. 780/2003 of the University of Dortmund, P. Kemper ed., pp. 172-182, 2003
"MTBDD-based activity-local state graph generation"
K. Lampka, M. Siegle
Sixth Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS6), Monticello (IL), pp. 15-18, 2003
"A stochastic extension of the logic PDL"
M. Kuntz, M. Siegle
Sixth Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS6), Monticello (IL), pp. 58-61, 2003
"CASPA: A performance evaluation tool based on stochastic process algebra and symbolic data structures"
M. Kuntz, M. Siegle, E. Werner
Tools of the 2003 Illinois Int. Multiconference on Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer-Communication Systems, pp. 19-21, 2003, Tech. Report 781 / 2003 of the University of Dortmund
Papers 2002
"Deriving symbolic representations from stochastic process algebras"
M. Kuntz, M. Siegle
In Process Algebra and Probabilistic Methods, Joint Int. Workshop PAPM-PROBMIV 2002,
H. Hermanns, R. Segala, editors, pp. 188-206, Springer LNCS 2399
"Symbolic Composition within the Moebius Framework"
K. Lampka, M. Siegle
In Leistungs-, Zuverlaessigkeits- und Verlaesslichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und verteilten Systemen, 2. MMB Arbeitsgespraech,
B. Wolfinger, K. Heidtmann, editors, pp. 63-74, Universitaet Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik, Bericht 242
Papers 2001
"Advances in model representation"
M. Siegle
In Process Algebra and Probabilistic Methods, Joint Int. Workshop PAPM-PROBMIV 2001,
L. de Alfaro and S. Gilmore, editors, pp. 1-22, Springer LNCS 2165
"A Markov Chain Model Checker"
H. Hermanns, J.-P. Katoen, J. Meyer-Kayser, M. Siegle
In Tool Proceedings of Aachen 2001 Int. Multiconference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer-Communication Systems, P. Kemper editor, Universitaet Dortmund, Informatik IV, Bericht 760/2001, pp. 1-6
"Implementing a Model Checker for Performability Behaviour"
H. Hermanns, J.-P. Katoen, J. Meyer-Kayser, M. Siegle
In Fifth Int. Workshop on Performability Modelling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS5),
R. German and J. Luethi and M. Telek, editors, Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Arbeitsberichte des Instituts fuer Informatik, Band 34 Nummer 13, September 2001
Papers 2000
"Towards Model Checking Stochastic Process Algebra"
H. Hermanns, J.-P. Katoen, J. Meyer-Kayser, M. Siegle
In 2nd Int. Conf. on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM'2000), pp. 420-439, Springer LNCS 1945,
W. Grieskamp, T. Santen, B. Stoddart editors
"A Markov Chain Model Checker"
H. Hermanns, J.-P. Katoen, J. Meyer-Kayser, M. Siegle
In TACAS'2000, pp. 347-362, Springer LNCS 1785,
S. Graf and M. Schwartzbach editors
"Compositional performance modelling with the TIPPtool"
H. Hermanns, U. Herzog, U. Klehmet, V. Mertsiotakis, M. Siegle
Performance Evaluation, 39(1-4), pp.5-35, January 2000
Papers 1999
"TIPPtool: Compositional Specification and Analysis of Markovian Performance Models"
H. Hermanns, V. Mertsiotakis, M. Siegle
In Compter Aided Verification (CAV) 1999, pp. 487-490, Springer LNCS 1633,
N. Halbwachs and D. Peled editors
"Multi Terminal Binary Decision Diagrams to Represent and Analyse Continuous Time Markov Chains"
H. Hermanns, J. Meyer-Kayser, M. Siegle
In 3rd Int. Workshop on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, 1999, pp. 188-207,
B. Plateau, W.J. Stewart, M. Silva editors, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza
"Compositional Representation and Reduction of Stochastic Labelled Transition Systems based on Decision Node BDDs"
M. Siegle
In Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB'99), Trier,
September 1999, pp. 173-185, D. Baum and N. Mueller and R. Roedler editors, VDE Verlag
"Compositional Reduction of Performability Models based on Stochastic Process Algebras"
U. Klehmet, M. Siegle
In Modelling and Simulation: A Tool for the next Millennium,
Proc of the 13th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM'99),
H. Szczerbicka editor, a publication of the SCS, Printed in Delft, The Netherlands
"Bisimulation Algorithms for Stochastic Process Algebras and their BDD-based Implementation"
H. Hermanns, M. Siegle
In 5th Int. AMAST Workshop on Real-Time and Probabilistic Systems (ARTS'99), pp. 144-264,
J.-P. Katoen editor, Springer, LNCS 1601
"Symbolic Minimisation of Stochastic Process Algebra Models"
H. Hermanns, M. Siegle
In 9. GI/ITG Fachgespraech Formale Beschreibungstechniken fuer verteilte Systeme (FBT'99), pp. 73-82,
K. Spies, B. Schaetz editors, Herbert Utz Verlag, ISBN 3-89675-918-3
"Using stochastic modelling to support the development of modern hospital communication systems"
M. Siegle, D. Kraska, B. Wentz
In ISCB99 and GMDS'99 abstract volume, pp. 416, Heidelberg, September 1999
Papers 1998
"Compact representation of large performability models based on extended BDDs"
M. Siegle
In Fourth International Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS4),
pp. 77-80, Williamsburg, September 1998
"Technique and Tool for Symbolic Representation and Manipulation of Stochastic Transition Systems"
M. Siegle
In International Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium (IPDS), p. 272, Durham, NC, September 1998
"Compositional Performance Modelling with the TIPPtool"
H. Hermanns, U. Herzog, U. Klehmet, V. Mertsiotakis, M. Siegle
In 10th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation (TOOLS '98),
pp. 51-62, Palma de Mallorca, September 1998, LNCS 1469
"Computing Bisimulations for Stochastic Process Algebras using Symbolic Representations"
H. Hermanns, M. Siegle
In Sixth International Workshop on Process Algebras and Performance Modelling PAPM'98,
Nice, September 1998
"Technique and tool for symbolic representation and manipulation of stochastic transition systems"
M. Siegle
Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Technical Report IMMD 7, 2/98, March 1998
Papers 1997
"BDD extensions for stochastic transition systems"
M. Siegle
in Proc. of 13th UK Performance Evaluation Workshop, Ilkley/West Yorkshire, July 1997,
pp. 9/1-9/7, D. Kouvatsos ed.
"Neue Ansaetze zur Planung von Klinikkommunikationssystemen mittels stochastischer Leistungsmodellierung" (in German)
M. Siegle, B. Wentz, A. Klingler, M. Simon
in Proc. of 42. Jahrestagung der GMDS, Ulm, September 1997,
pp. 188 - 192, MMV Medizin Verlag, Muenchen, R. Muche, G. Buechele, D. Harder, W. Gaus eds..
Papers 1996
"Integration of performance aspects into formal methods for concurrency"
M. Siegle
in Colloquium ``Formal Methods for Concurrency'', Muenchen, July 1996, TU Dresden,
TR TUD/FI 96/16 - September 1996, Joerg Desel and Horst Reichel, eds., pp. 33-40.
"Erzeugung reduzierter Markovketten am Beispiel einer stochastischen Prozessalgebra" (in German)
M. Siegle
in Proceedings des Fachgespraechs ueber "Modellierung und Bewertung paralleler Systeme",
Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Maerz 1996, Interner Bericht IMMD III 2/96.
"Combining Gprof and Event-Driven Monitoring for Analyzing Distributed Programs: A Rough View of NCSA Mosaic"
Ch. Peng, R. Klar, R. Hofmann, P. Dauphin, M. Siegle
in Journal of Computer Science and Technology, China,
11(4), pp. 427-432, 1996
Papers 1995
"Modellierung und Messunterstuetzung mit dem Werkzeug PEPP" (in German)
F. Hartleb, P. Dauphin, R. Klar, A. Quick, M. Siegle
in it+ti - Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik , 37(3), pp. 41-48, June 1995.
Papers 1994
"Structured Markovian Performance Modelling with Automatic Symmetry Exploitation"
M. Siegle
in Tools and Posters Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation,
Vienna, Austria, pp. 77-81, May 1994.
"Compositional Minimal Semantics for the Stochastic Process Algebra TIPP"
M. Rettelbach, M. Siegle
in Proceedings of the "2nd International Workshop on Process Algebras and Performance Modelling",
July 1994, U. Herzog and M. Rettelbach, eds., Regensberg/Erlangen, Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg,
Arbeitsberichte des IMMD, 27(4).
"Reduced Markov Models of Parallel Programs with Replicated Processes"
M. Siegle
in 2nd EUROMICRO Workshop on ``Parallel and Distributed Processing'', Malaga, Spain, pp. 126-133, January 1994.
"ZM4/SIMPLE: a General Approach to Performance-Measurement and -Evaluation of Distributed Systems"
P. Dauphin, R. Hofmann, R. Klar, B. Mohr, A. Quick, M. Siegle, and F. Sötz
in Readings in Distributed Computing Systems (T. Casavant and M. Singhal, eds.), ch. 6, pp. 286-309,
Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society Press, Jan 1994. SBN 0-8186-3032-9.
"Distributed Performance Monitoring: Methods, Tools, and Applications"
R. Hofmann, R. Klar, B. Mohr, A. Quick, and M. Siegle
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 5(6), June 1994, pp. 585-598.
Papers 1993
"Using Structured Modelling for Efficient Performance Prediction of Parallel Systems"
M. Siegle
in Parallel Computing: Trends and Applications (ParCo'93: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Computing)
G.R. Joubert, D. Trystram, F.J. Peters and D.J. Evans, eds., pp. 453-460, North-Holland, 1994.
"Observing Parallel Programs at a Flexible Level of Granularity"
R. Klar, A. Quick, and M. Siegle
PARS-Mitteilungen, vol. 12, pp. 102-110, 1993.
"Markovian Performance Modelling of Parallel Systems"
M. Siegle
PARS-Mitteilungen, vol. 11, pp. 144-149, 1993.
Papers 1992
"Monitoring Program Behaviour on SUPRENUM"
M. Siegle and R. Hofmann
Computer Architecture News, vol. 20(2), pp. 332-341, May 1992.
"On Efficient Markovian Modelling"
M. Siegle
in Proc. QMIPS Workshop on Stochastic Petri Nets, (Sophia Antipolis), pp. 213-225, November 1992.
Papers 1991
"The Interlocking Bus Network for Fault-Tolerant Processor Arrays"
M. Siegle, D.R. Reeves, K. Kozminski
in Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems (M. Dal Cin and W. Hohl, eds.), pp. 348-359, Springer (IFB 283), 1991.
Markus Siegle (Markus.Siegle[at]