Final demonstration for the Firefly project

7 August 2024

On June 26, 2024, the final demonstration of Firefly project was held within the UniBw M campus in front of the UniCasino building. The demonstration was organized in collaboration with the project consortium partners WORK GmbH and IRT RWTH Aachen and was attended by representation from the project funding agency, DLR.

The demonstration featured a flying UAV transmitting a GNSS-like pseudolite signal which was acquired and tracked by a ground vehicle in real-time exhibiting an automotive application scenario.

The following figure from the demonstration provides visualization of the results, showing remote screens of two PCs side-by-side. On the left, the position of the ground vehicle can be seen in yellow and red as computed by the navigation filter implemented by RWTH Aachen. On the right, the combined tracking of GNSS and Pseudolite signal can be seen within the MuSNAT SDR GUI.

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The successful real-time signal acquisition and tracking by the ground vehicle exemplifies the potential of this technology in various fields, including autonomous vehicles, precision agriculture, and urban navigation.

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