[130] Felix Maiwald & Axel Schulte. Enhancing Military Helicopter Pilot Assistant Systems through Resource Adaptive Dialogue Management. In: Michael A. Vidulich, Pamela S. Tsang & John M. Flach (Eds.). Advances in Aviation Psychology. Volume I. Pp. 177-196. Ashgate Studies in Human Factors and Flight Operations. 2014.
[129] Tobias Kloss & Axel Schulte. Adaptives Missile-Operator Assistenzsystem in zeitkritischen Missionen. In: M. Grandt & S. Schmerwitz (Hrsg.). Der Mensch zwischen Automation, Kompetenz und Verantwortung. (DGLR-Bericht 2014-01). Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt – Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. 2014.
[128] Georg Rudnick, Sebastian Clauß & Axel Schulte. Flight Testing of Agent Supervisory Control on Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial System Platforms. In: 33rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) on Designing an Air Transportation System with Multi-Level Resilience. Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. 5-9 October 2014. (3rd Place Best Graduate Student Paper Award & Best Paper of Session Award)
[127] Felix Maiwald & Axel Schulte. Workload Prediction and Estimation of Human Mental Resources in Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Mission. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). San Diego, California, USA. 5-8 October 2014.
[126] Sebastian Clauß & Axel Schulte. Task Delegation in an Agent Supervisory Control Relationship – Capability Awareness of a Cognitive Agent. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). San Diego, California, USA. 5-8 October 2014.
[125] Marcus Wohler & Axel Schulte. Development of a Cognitive Airborne Assistant System for UAS Integration into Civil Airspace. In: 31st European Association of Aviation Psychology (EAAP) Conference. Valetta, Malta. 22-26 September 2014.
[124] Nikolaus Theißing & Axel Schulte. Flight Management Assistance through Cognitive Automation Adapting to the Operator’s State of Mind. In: 31st European Association of Aviation Psychology (EAAP) Conference. Valetta, Malta. 22-26 September 2014.
[123] Harald Siegmann & Axel Schulte. Training Preparing UAV Operators for Adaptable Automation: Development of a Training Concept. In: 31st European Association of Aviation Psychology (EAAP) Conference. Valetta, Malta. 22-26 September 2014.
[122] Fabian Loy, Marcus Wohler & Axel Schulte. Ein kognitiver Agent zur Kollisionsvermeidung bei UAS. In: 63. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2014. Augsburg, Deutschland. 16.-18. September 2014.
[121] Marcus Wohler, Fabian Loy & Axel Schulte. Mental Models as Common Ground for Human-Agent Interaction in Cognitive Assistant Systems. In: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aerospace (HCI-Aero). Santa Clara, California, USA. 30 July-1 August 2014.
[120] Nikolaus Theißing & Axel Schulte. A UAS Mission Assistant System Employing a Theory-Of-Mind about the Human Operator. In: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aerospace (HCI-Aero). Santa Clara, California, USA. 30 July-1 August 2014.
[119] Sebastian Clauß & Axel Schulte. Implications for Operator Interactions in an Agent Supervisory Control Relationship. In: International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). Orlando, Florida, USA. 27-30 May 2014.
[118] Marcus Wohler & Axel Schulte. Mensch-Maschine Interaktion im kognitiven Assistenzsystem zur Flugführung unter Zertifizierungsbedingungen. In: 3. Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten. Verstehen, Beschreiben und Gestalten Kognitiver (Technischer) Systeme. Magdeburg. 25.-27. März 2014.
[117] Nikolaus Theißing & Axel Schulte. Modellierung von Operateurverhalten zur Entwicklung eines kognitiven Assistenzsystems In: 3. Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten. Verstehen, Beschreiben und Gestalten Kognitiver (Technischer) Systeme. Magdeburg. 25.-27. März 2014.
[116] Sebastian Clauß & Axel Schulte. Leitende Kontrolle eines UAV durch einen kognitiven Agenten. In: 3. Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten. Verstehen, Beschreiben und Gestalten Kognitiver (Technischer) Systeme. Magdeburg. 25.-27. März 2014.
[115] Stefan Brüggenwirth & Axel Schulte. Cognitive automation approaches to UAV mission management. In: Towards greater Autonomy in Multiple Unmanned Air Vehicles. Final Report GARTEUR FM-AG-18, Technical Volume. Flight Mechanics Group of Responsibles of the Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in EURope (GARTEUR). 2014.