[102] Andreas Rauschert & Axel Schulte. Cognitive and cooperative assistant system for aerial manned-unmanned teaming missions. In: Supervisory Control of Multiple Uninhabited Systems – Methodologies and Enabling Human-Robot Interface Technologies. NATO RTO Task Group Technical Report TR-HFM-170. Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France. December 2012.
[101] Felix Maiwald & Axel Schulte. Adaptation of a Human Resource Model by the use of Machine Learning Methods as Part of a Military Helicopter Pilot Associate System. In: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 56th Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 22-26 October 2012.
[100] Florian Böhm & Axel Schulte. UAV Autonomy Research – Challenges and advantages of a fully distributed system architecture. In: International Telemetring Conference ITC 2012. San Diego, USA. 22-25 October 2012.
[99] Florian Böhm, Sebastian Clauß, Stefan Brüggenwirth & Axel Schulte. Cognitive UAV resource management allowing task-based mission execution under data link limitations. In: 31st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. 14-18 October 2012. (Best Paper Award)
[98] Stefan Brüggenwirth & Axel Schulte. COSA² – A Cognitive System Architecture with Centralized Ontology and Specific Algorithms. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2012). Seoul, Korea. 14-17 October 2012.
[97] Axel Schulte. Kognitive und kooperative Automation zur Führung unbemannter Luftfahrzeuge. In: 2. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten – Verstehen, Beschreiben und Gestalten Kognitiver (Technischer) Systeme. Duisburg, Deutschland. 18.-20. September 2012.
[96] Gerrit Kahn, Nikolaus Theißing & Axel Schulte. Cognitive Automation based Guidance and Operator Assistance for semi-autonomous Mission Accomplishment of the UAV Demonstrator SAGITTA. In: 61. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2012. Berlin, Deutschland. 10.-12. September 2012.
[95] Oliver Schuh, Florian Böhm & Axel Schulte. Machbarkeitsanalyse und Skizzierung eines 6DOF UAV Konzeptes. In: 61. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2012. Berlin, Deutschland. 10.-12. September 2012.
[94] Ruben Strenzke & Axel Schulte. Human-Automation Cooperation Issues in Manned-unmanned Teaming Missions. In: AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 6-9 August 2012.
[93] Johann Uhrmann & Axel Schulte. Concept, Design and Evaluation of Cognitive Task-based UAV Guidance. In: International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems. (http://www.iariajournals.org/intelligent_systems/intsys_v5_n12_2012_paged.pdf) IARIA Journals, vol. 5, no. 1&2, pp. 145-158. ISSN-Online 1942-2679. 2012.
[92] Ruben Strenzke, Nikolaus Theißing & Axel Schulte. Mixed-Initiative Procedure Generation and Modification – The Future of Unmanned Military Systems Guidance? In: 22nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 25-29 June 2012.
[91] Sebastian Clauß, Pierre Aurich, Stefan Brüggenwirth, Vladimir Dobrokhodov, Isaac Kaminer & Axel Schulte. Design and Evaluation of a UAS combining Cognitive Automation and Optimal Control. In: AIAA Infotech@Aerospace Conference 2012. Garden Grove, California, USA. 19-21 June 2012.
[90] Florian Böhm & Axel Schulte. Scalable COTS based data processing and distribution architecture for UAV technology demonstrators. In: European Telemetry and Test Conference (etc2012). Munich, Germany. 12-14 June 2012. (Student Paper Award)
[89] Ruben Strenzke & Axel Schulte. Design and evaluation of a system for mixed-initiative operation. In: European Space Agency Advanced Concepts Team. Acta Futura. Issue 5 “AI in Space: Intelligence beyond planet Earth”. Nordwijk, Netherlands. January 2012.