[75] Johann Uhrmann, Ruben Strenzke & Axel Schulte. Task-based Guidance of Multiple Detached Unmanned Sensor Platforms in Military Helicopter Operations. In: Seminar on Cognitive Systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS). Crawley, UK. 22-23 November 2010.
[74] Felix Maiwald, Andreas Benzler & Axel Schulte. Berücksichtigung mentaler Operateurzustände bei der Weiterentwicklung wissensbasierter Assistenzsysteme. In: Innovative Interaktionstechnologien für Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen, 52. Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik (DGLR T5.4). Berlin. 7.-8. Oktober 2010.
[73] Wolfgang Pecher, Stefan Brüggenwirth & Axel Schulte. Using Cognitive Automation for Aircraft General Systems Management. In: 5th International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering (SoSE). Loughborough, UK. 22-24 June 2010.
[72] Gregor Jarasch, Sonja Maier, Patrick Kingsbury, Mark Minas & Axel Schulte. Design Methodology for an Artificial Cognitive System applied to Human-centred Semi-autonomous UAV Guidance. In: Second International Conference on Humans Operating Unmanned Systems. HUMOUS'10. Toulouse, France. 26-27 April 2010.
[71] Johann Uhrmann, Ruben Strenzke & Axel Schulte. Human Supervisory Control of Multiple UAVs by use of Task Based Guidance. In: Second International Conference on Humans Operating Unmanned Systems. HUMOUS'10. Toulouse, France. 26-27 April 2010.
[70] Diana Donath, Andreas Rauschert & Axel Schulte. Cognitive Assistant System Concept for Multi-UAV Guidance using Human Operator Behaviour Models. In: Second International Conference on Humans Operating Unmanned Systems. HUMOUS'10. Toulouse, France. 26-27 April 2010.
[69] Axel Schulte & Claudia Meitinger. Introducing Cognitive and Co-operative Automation into UAV Guidance Work Systems. In: Michael Barnes & Florian Jentsch (Eds.). Human-Robot Interaction in Future Military Operations. Ashgate. Series Human Factors in Defence, pp 145-170. 2010.
[68] Stefan Brüggenwirth, Ruben Strenzke, Alexander Matzner & Axel Schulte. A Generic Cognitive System Architecture Applied to the UAV Flight Guidance Domain. Second International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Valencia, Spain. 22-24 January 2010.
[67] Reiner Onken & Axel Schulte. System-ergonomic Design of Cognitive Automation – Dual-Mode Cognitive Design of Vehicle Guidance and Control Work Systems. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 235. Springer, Heidelberg. 2010.