[56] Gregor Jarasch & Axel Schulte. Satisfying integrity requirements for highly automated UAV systems by a systems engineering approach to cognitive automation. In: 27th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. 26-30 October 2008.
[55] Alexander Matzner, Mark Minas & Axel Schulte. Efficient graph matching with application to cognitive automation. In: Applications of Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5088/.1, pp. 297-312. ISSN 1611-3349. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. 2008.
[54] Axel Schulte. Dual-mode cognitive design of multi-unmanned aerial vehicle guidance work systems: A system-ergonomic approach. In: Mark Draper (Ed.). Supervisory Control of Multiple Unmanned Vehicles: International Perspectives on Methodologies and Enabling Interface Technologies. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. New York, USA. 22-26 September 2008.
[53] Andreas Rauschert, Claudia Meitinger & Axel Schulte. Experimentally Discovered Operator Assistance Needs in the Guidance of Cognitive and Cooperative UAVs. In: First International Conference on Humans Operating Unmanned Systems. HUMOUS'08. Brest, France. 3-4 September 2008.
[52] Axel Schulte & Claudia Meitinger. Effiziente Mensch-Maschine Kooperation durch kognitive Automation. In: Industrie Management. Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse. Ausgabe 4/2008, Schwerpunktthema “Kognitive Automatisierung”. GITO-Verlag. ISSN 1434-1980. Berlin. 2008.
[51] Axel Schulte, Claudia Meitinger & Reiner Onken. Human Factors in the Guidance of Unmanned Vehicles: Oxymoron or Tautology? The Potential of Cognitive and Co-operative Automation. In: International Journal of Cognition Technology and Work. Springer. ISSN 1435-5558. Heidelberg. 2008.
[50] Axel Schulte. Automated Mission Management Cognitive Aids: Decision Aiding with Human-in-the-loop. In: Automation Technologies & Application Considerations for Highly Integrated Mission Systems. NATO RTO Task Group SCI-118 Report. Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France. 2008.