[45] Conrad Groth, Claudia Meitinger, Diana Donath & Axel Schulte. Missionsauftragsanalyse in COSA als Funktionsmodul eines Pilotenassistenzsystems. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2006. Braunschweig. 6.-9. November 2006.
[44] Diana Donath & Axel Schulte. Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten kognitiver und kooperativer Operateurassistenz: Ein Konzeptansatz für modellbasierte adaptive Automation. In: Cognitive Systems Engineering in der Fahrzeug- und Prozessführung. 48. Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik (DGLR T5.4). Karlsruhe. 24.-25. Oktober 2006.
[43] Michael Kriegel & Axel Schulte. Work system analysis of the integration of autonomous functions and intelligent operator assistance in UAV guidance. NATO RTO HFM Symposium on Human Factors of Uninhabited Military Vehicles as Force Multipliers. Biarritz, France. 9-11 October 2006.
[42] Claudia Meitinger & Axel Schulte. Cognitive machine co-operation as basis for guidance of multiple UAVs. NATO RTO HFM Symposium on Human Factors of Uninhabited Military Vehicles as Force Multipliers. Biarritz, France. 9-11 October 2006.
[41] Claudia Meitinger & Axel Schulte. Human-Centred Automation for UAV Guidance: Oxymoron or Tautology? The Potential of Cognitive and Co-operative Systems. 1st “Moving Autonomy Forward” Conference. Grantham, UK. 21-22 June 2006.
[40] Axel Schulte. Manned-Unmanned Missions: Chance or Challenge? In: The Journal of the JAPCC (Joint Air Power Competence Centre). Kalkar. Edition 3, 2006.