Human-Autonomy Teaming Technologies




Forschung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften muss zu innovativen Industrieprodukten führen! Das ist die feste Überzeugung der Institutsmitarbeiter Yannick Brand und Fabian Schmitt. Zusammen mit Prof. Axel Schulte haben sie daher HAT.tec gegründet. Die HAT.tec GmbH ist eine Ausgründung des Instituts für Flugsysteme und beschäftigt sich mit der Industrialisierung der Forschungsergebnisse zu "Human-Autonomy Teaming".


Human-Autonomy Teaming Technologies

Über HAT.tec
We founded HAT.tec in 2018. HAT.tec stands for Human-Autonomy Teaming Technologies. We are specialists for designing and prototyping complex Human-Autonomy Teaming systems for the mission of tomorrow.


Customized Solutions

We provide design, development and integration of Human-Autonomy Teaming systems. Applications comprise integrated mission planning and management systems, operator assistant systems and UAV autonomy in fields such as manned-unmanned teaming, ground control stations and reduced crew operations.


Application-close Prototyping

We offer application-close prototyping of human autonomy teaming systems and intelligent agents which ensure superior mission performance using novel interaction concepts, user interfaces and state of the art artificial intelligence technologies.


Industrial Advisory

We offer advisory in the field of mission analysis for Human-Autonomy Teaming systems: Concept design, definition of system requirements, function allocation and interaction concepts. We support system design and accompany your development processes of complex Human-Automation Systems.