Program: Green Era Hub (ID: 103)
Topic 1: Improving fertilizer efficiency and reducing fertilizer use
BMBF Funding Identification Number: 031B1513
Duration: 01.04.2024-31.03.2027
Lead Researcher at UniBw M: Dr. Emmanuel O. Benjamin
Project Collaborator starting 09.2024: Dr. Oreoluwa OLA
The LIFE project proposes an innovative and multidisciplinary approach to developing climate-resilient, water-saving, and sustainable agricultural and food systems. The project addresses Topic 1 of the Green Era Hub call for proposals ("Improving fertilizer efficiency and reducing fertilizer use"). It aims to contribute to the efficient provision of organic fertilizers through the introduction of advanced methods for fertilizer production. The focus is on converting animal manure into liquid fertilizer for hydroponic systems. Since the production of fertilizers from animal manure can carry risks and may exhibit unstable nutrient concentrations, the project will create a Digital Twin (DT) to control and model the conversion process and the development of plants in hydroponic operations. Thanks to the virtual DT representation and models simulating the behavior of the physical units or hydroponic businesses, it will be possible to improve fertilizer efficiency and maximize crop yields while simultaneously reducing the use of conventional fertilizers and natural resources such as water.
For the assessment of the economic viability of hydroponic businesses (WP5), Partner 3 (UniBw M) will collect qualitative and quantitative data as part of a cost-benefit analysis of the economic efficiency, as well as conduct focus group discussions and Delphi studies with hydroponic entrepreneurs, policymakers, and other stakeholders.
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