The following provides an overview of the modules offered by the chair in the Bachelor's and Master's programs in digital administration. Organizational details regarding the current courses, as well as further information can be found on the respective course pages on the ILIAS learning platform.

Courses in digital administration

Public Management: Introduction and Reform Concepts

In this module, students receive a fundamental introduction to Public Management. They learn about the framework conditions (including the relationship between politics and administration) and the theoretical foundations of Public Management. Students are introduced to the basics for understanding public tasks and public institutions and, building on this, gain knowledge of administrative modernization and the reform movements subsumed under it. Students engage with various functional elements of modernization. The module imparts the competence to discuss the transferability of business management tools to administrative practice.

Public Management: E- und Open-Government

In this module, students gain insight into e-government as the execution of business processes related to governing and administration through information and communication technologies via electronic media, which is now an indispensable component of administrative modernization. Students acquire comprehensive knowledge of e-government fundamentals, strategies, and key challenges. They engage with the development of open government, which aims to make governmental actions more transparent and responsive to the wishes of citizens. Finally, students gain knowledge about the resulting cooperation opportunities and challenges, as well as the evolution from government to governance.

Ethics und Compliance

In this module, students are introduced to ethical issues faced by authorities. They learn about typical administrative and ethical questions arising from topics such as anti-corruption measures, environmental protection, and new challenges posed by globalization and digitalization. Through concrete practical examples and case studies, students gain a practical understanding of the importance of ethical aspects in the context of authorities. They acquire knowledge about structures and instruments for compliance with laws, rules, and norms (compliance) and their relevance for public administrations.