Evaluation of an automotive GNSS Receiver
Within the scope of autonomous driving and Car2Car and Car2X communication, location and position-based information is one of the key features. This requires accurate and reliable information about the location and driving direction of each vehicular participant of roadway traffic.
The proposed topic at hand focuses on the absolute navigation respective positioning of a vehicle using an automotive grade low cost RTK system with additional sensor integration. Hereby the performance of the system in different conditions (i.e. open sky, GNSS-denied regions) shall be evaluated step by step. For a platform the ISTA measurement van will be used, in which the system needs to be mounted first. Test scenarios which cover all necessary use cases then need to be defined, performed and evaluated against reference systems which consist of higher grade GNSS receivers and aiding sensors. Therefore, the manufacturer’s software for the receiver needs to be studied and understood first (this is an end-customer level software with GUI). Different settings and configurations shall be tested. The data evaluation and statistics need to be developed and programmed using MATLAB. The possibility to extract raw GNSS and sensor measurements from the commercial product shall be investigated, and, if possible, processed with and compared against the ISTA MuSNAT software receiver, including necessary changes in the MuSNAT source code (C++).
The amount of tasks and the scope of the work will be tailored accordingly whether it is a project work, Bachelor’s Thesis, Master’s Thesis or project work with consecutive Master’s Thesis, and also to the students’ main interests.
Source: https://anavs.de/multi-sensor-rtk-module/
Requirements for applicants are:
- Profound knowledge of GNSS
- Basic MATLAB programming regarding data processing
- Basic knowledge about Windows networking (connecting to sensors via TCP/IP)
- Basic knowledge of Visual Studio and C++ (only necessary for project work with consecutive Master’s Thesis, if possible to extract receiver raw data)
- Basic mechanical skills and usage of tools
- Motivation to work on problems and their solution
- The ability to get familiar with new software
- The ability to identify automotive GNSS test scenarios and plan test campaigns accordingly
- Systematic and scientifically oriented testing of hardware/software
Start date: immediately
Duration: according to project work / thesis duration
Contact Person:
Andreas Schütz, M.Sc.(TUM)
Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications (ISTA)
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (LRT)
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany
Building 61, Room 1107
Phone: +49 89-6004-3056, Fax: +49 89-6004-4039
Email: andreas.schuetz@unibw.de