There has been an increased interest in using cellular signals as Signals of Opportunity (SoO) for positioning due to the growing occurrences of GNSS denial caused by signal jamming or spoofing. The cellular LTE/5G signals have high transmission power and a dense terrestrial network of transmitting base stations, resulting in high signal availability and potential usability for navigation especially when GNSS signals are untrackable.

Within ISTA, research in using LTE/5G signals for positioning is realized in broad streams:

Research Track 1 - Adaptation of MuSNAT SDR to reliably acquire and track LTE/5G signals by using GNSS-like time domain code replicas


Research Track 2 - Localization of LTE transmitters by estimating transmitter states with a-priori known receiver states.


Currently, master thesis is offered in the following research topic(s):

Themenstellung G.1: Cycle-slip detection using conventional algorithms by tracking LTE CRS signal as a two-tone signal (Applies to Research Track 1).