Kostas Konstantinidis recently published a guest article at Centauri Dreams blog
The Rosetta Science Workshop and Science Working Team Meeting (SWT#49) took place 29-May to 1-June on the island of Rhodes, Greece.
Kostas Konstantinidis was a speaker at the Matlab Expo München 2018, presenting on his work on the simulation of landing in the canyons of saturn's moon Enceladus.
The interplanetary NASA spacecraft New Horizons recently conducted a fly-by around the mysterious object Ultima Thule, which lies in the Kuiper belt more than 6.4 billion km away from the Earth.
Alena Probst hat am 14.12.2018 ihre Dissertation erfolgreich verteidigt. Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich!
Members of the Mars Express MaRS, Venus Express VeRA, and Rosetta RSI instrument teams came together at ISTA during 12-14 March for their biannual radio-science meeting.
Am 12. April 2019 absolvierte Kostas Konstantinidis erfolgreich seine Doktorprüfung.
Wie die Stabilität von Satellitenstrukturen aktiv verbessert werden könnte, ist Teil unserer aktuellen Forschung.
Alexandra Wander on how to use pattern-based monitoring for innovative fault detection and prediction aboard spacecraft, recently at ESA Digital Technologies Working Days.
Again this year, researchers from ISTA participated in the European Planetary Science Conference (EPSC) in Geneva, Switzerland.
Am 8. Oktober hatten wir unseren jährlichen Institutsausflug. Schee war's!
Am Institut untersuchen wir derzeit die Verwendbarkeit chipgroßer Atomuhren für Radioexperimente im Weltraum.