Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19)
13 March 2020
When an infection is acknowledged, the authorities of the respective country decide what measures should be taken (e.g. quarantine). The number of cases in Germany, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia, has increased. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the overall risk evaluation for Germany is currently as follows:
"The risk to the health of the population in Germany is currently assessed as moderate overall. However, this risk varies from region to region and is high in "particularly affected areas". The probability of serious disease progression increases with advancing age and in case of pre-existing conditions. The burden on the health care system depends largely on the regional spread of the infection, the available capacities and the countermeasures taken (isolation, quarantine, social distancing) and can be very high locally. This assessment may change in the short term as a result of new findings".
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) continuously observes current developments, assesses all information, coordinates official measures and rates that the risk for the German population is overall moderate (as of 09/03/2020).
German authorities advise against travelling to high-risk countries named by the RKI. These are China, Iran, Italy and South Korea and the Grand Est region in France (this region includes Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne) at the moment (as of 11/03/2020). The RKI regularly updates the list of risk countries.
Please note that the situation may change at any time and pay close attention to the updated warnings issued by authorities, particularly the RKI, and the travel advisories by the Federal Foreign Office. German authorities are continuously sharing information and evaluating current developments.
Keep up to date on the following websites:
Current information issued by the Federal Ministry of Health
Current information on the new corona virus is available from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI)
Information by the German Academic Exchange Service
Information and guidance from WHO regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease
Situation at our university (as of March 12, 20):
There has not been a justified suspicion or case of coronavirus infection at the university.
In the course of the Corona crisis, the Federal Ministry of Defence has taken the following important decisions to reduce the risks of a further spread of the COVID 19 pandemic (among others):
- Teaching in classroom mode at the UniBw Munich will be discontinued immediately until further notice (currently until 14 April 2020)
- The other functions such as research work, administration or the library will continue to be open and available for the time being.