9 January 2025

Research Assistant - PhD Student (German pay grade TVöD E13)

We are seeking a PhD Student to join our team from 1 February 2025 for the project ML4ML—Machine Learning for Multi-Level Solvers.

Short Profile Detailed Posting
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If you have questions or need further details, please contact Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Brandstäter. Please send your complete application documents electronically (as a PDF file including a cover letter, CV, and copies of certificates).

Apply now for this job offer!

9 January 2025

Research Assistant - PhD Student (German pay grade TVöD E13)

We are seeking a PhD Student to join our team from 1 February 2025 for the project InterPlaSModeling the Interaction of Elasto-Plasticity, Damage, and Delamination in Composite Laminate .

Short Profile Detailed Posting
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If you have questions or need further details, please contact Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Brandstäter. Please send your complete application documents electronically (as a PDF file including a cover letter, CV, and copies of certificates).

Apply now for this job offer!

9 January 2025

Research Assistant - PhD Student/ Postdoc (German pay grade TVöD E13/E14)

From time to time, there are opportunities available to join our young team (PhD candidates and postdocs) without an explicit job announcement on the Internet. Therefore, your unsolicited application is always welcome!


About us

The Institute for Mathematics and Computer-Based Simulation has been founded in 2018 in order to strengthen the research profile and activities of the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences at the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBw M) in the broad field of computational engineering science.

Due to the close interaction of the two professorships Mathematics (Prof. Thomas Apel) and Computer-Based Simulation (Prof. Alexander Popp), you will encounter a unique transdisciplinary environment with bundled expertise in numerical analysis, computational solid and structural mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, modeling and simulation as well as high performance computing (HPC). The current focus of our research and teaching activities in the field of computer-based simulation lies on finite element methods (FEM) for complex problems of nonlinear solid and structural mechanics, computational contact mechanics, tribology and coupled multiphysics simulation (e.g. fluid-structure interaction). Concerning fundamental research in numerical mathematics, our particular emphasis is on numerical analysis and error estimation (discretization error) for boundary value problems and for optimal control problems of partial differential equations as well as variational inequalities.

Applications of our research range from civil engineering, environmental sciences, aerospace engineering and modern production technology (e.g. for composite materials) to biomechanics and biomedical engineering. Within our research projects, we cover the entire spectrum from numerical analysis, modeling and method development / code development to optimization, stochastic methods and uncertainty quantification (UQ).

To this end, our team develops and maintains in close collaboration with research partners at the Technical University Munich (TUM) the unique in-house research software 4C - one of the most powerful and comprehensive FEM-based research codes worldwide with massive parallelization for the efficient use on modern HPC cluster and supercomputers. As part of the new foundation of the institute in 2018, we are currently installing a brand-new Linux HPC cluster on our premises, so that you will be equipped with an excellent technical environment for cutting-edge research.


Your profile
  • excellent university degree (M.Sc. or equivalent) in an engineering discipline (civil, mechanical, aerospace, electrical), in mathematics or in applied computer science
  • very good theoretical skills and strong background regarding the fundamentals (mechanics, mathematics, etc.), computational methods (FEM, etc.) and programming (C++, etc.)
  • motivation for conducting scientific work at the highest international level
  • high degree of self-reliance, team-spirit and goal-orientation
  • creativity and the courage to "get things done" within a young team and during the startup phase of  the research and teaching activities of a new institute
  • strong communication and didactic skills for teaching and for working with our students


We offer
  • highest possible degree of independence in both research and teaching
  • inspiring work atmosphere within an excellent young team and  a university with world-class facilities
  • opportunity to advance your scientific career (PhD degree, habilitation)
  • regular exchange and collaboration with many leading universities and work groups worldwide
  • attractive research assistant positions within the German TVöD pay scale (E13 or E14)



Please send your complete application documents in electronic format (ideally one single PDF file including cover letter / motivation letter, CV, academic transcripts and certificates) to our secretariat.

Apply now (general application)