The University Council is a symbol of how the University of the Bundeswehr Munich is opening up and being modernised because the Council draws on the knowledge and experience of persons from outside the University. Two representatives from trade and industry, two scientists or artists and one graduate of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich belong to this body. The President may furthermore suggest one or two additional individuals. The members of the University Council are elected by the Extended University Governance and appointed by the Federal Minister of Defense. The University Council selects a chairperson from among its members. Members of the University Council work in an honorary capacity.

The University Council has a say in all strategic questions that shape the profile of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich to ensure that it can compete with other universities. It provides initiatives and makes suggestions for establishing focal points in research and teaching and for the further development of academic programs. It supports the University Governance in concluding agreements on objectives with the Federal Ministry of Defense and with respect to the cost-effective and task-appropriate use of funds for research and teaching. Members of the Governance Committee participate in meetings of the University Council in an advisory function. The University Council, together with the members of the Senate, forms the Administrative Council.

The members of the University Council of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich:

  • Dr. Wolfgang Schirmer (Chair), Head of Business Excellence, Head of Internal Audit Rheinmetall AG
  • General (retired) Wolfgang Schneiderhan, former Chief of Defence of the Bundeswehr
  • Prof. Dr. Astrid Schütz, Universität Bamberg
  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Bunge, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
  • Captain Janina Baumann, Representative of the Graduates of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich