[66] Ruben Strenzke, Johann Uhrmann, Andreas Rauschert & Axel Schulte. Evaluierung der Operateur-Performanz im bemannt-unbemannten Team im Rahmen einer militärischen Flugmission. In: Kooperative Arbeitsprozesse. 51. Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik (DGLR T5.4). Braunschweig. 27.-28. Oktober 2009.
[65] Axel Schulte. Enhancing Human-Machine System Performance by Introducing Artificial Cognition in Vehicle Guidance Work Systems. In: NATO RTO HFM-181 Symposium on Human Performance Enhancement for NATO Military Operations (Science, Technology, and Ethics). Sofia, Bulgaria. 5-7 October 2009.
[64] Axel Schulte (Ed.). Advanced Automation Issues for Supervisory Control in Manned-unmanned Teaming Missions. NATO RTO Lecture Series SCI-208. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. 2009.
[63] Axel Schulte & Claudia Meitinger. Cognitive and Cooperative Automation for Manned-unmanned Teaming Missions. In: NATO RTO Lecture Series SCI-208 on Advanced Automation Issues for Supervisory Control in Manned-unmanned Teaming Missions. Monterey, USA; Torino, Italy; Amsterdam, Netherlands. September 2009.
[62] Diana Donath & Axel Schulte. Behaviour Model Based Recognition of Critical Pilot Workload as Trigger for Cognitive Operator Assistance. In: 8th Conference on Engineering Psychology & Cognitive Ergonomics, in conjunction with HCI International. San Diego, California, USA. 19-24 July 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 5639, pp 518-528. Springer Link.
[61] Claudia Meitinger & Axel Schulte. Human-UAV Co-operation Based on Artificial Cognition. In: 8th Conference on Engineering Psychology & Cognitive Ergonomics, in conjunction with HCI International. San Diego, California, USA. 19-24 July 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 5639, pp 91-100. Springer Link.
[60] Claudia Meitinger, Gregor Jarasch & Axel Schulte. Development of Artificial Cognitive Units in UAV Guidance. In: NATO RTO SCI-202 Symposium on Intelligent Uninhabited Vehicle Guidance Systems. Neubiberg, Germany. 30 June - 2 July 2009.
[59] Johann Uhrmann, Ruben Strenzke, Andreas Rauschert, Claudia Meitinger & Axel Schulte. Manned-unmanned teaming: Artificial cognition applied to multiple UAV guidance. In: NATO RTO SCI-202 Symposium on Intelligent Uninhabited Vehicle Guidance Systems. Neubiberg, Germany. 30 June - 2 July 2009.
[58] Johann Uhrmann & Axel Schulte. Manned-unmanned Teaming – UAV als abgesetzte Sensorplattformen für Helikopter. (Manned-unmanned Teaming – UAV as Remote Sensor Platforms for Helicopters.) In: Wehrwissenschaft Forschung & Technologie Jahresbericht 2008. Bundesministerium der Verteidigung. März 2009.
[57] Michael Kriegel, Peter Stütz & Axel Schulte. Testbed Environment for Future UAV Automation Technologies. In: Otto von Estorff & Frank Thielecke (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Aircraft Systems Technologies (AST 2009). Shaker-Verlag. Hamburg, Germany. 26-27 March 2009.