Research into an intelligent multi-drone guidance system for the investigation of infantry deployment options (EMUE)

Project description

WiWeb_1.jpgThe aim of the study is to research drone guidance systems for military, particularly infantry, applications. For this purpose, a multi-drone system is to be set up which acts as a swarm of intelligent distributed systems. The coordination of several small UAVs (sUAV, small-UAV) will be systematically examined and researched under the boundary conditions already mentioned. To this end, military and civilian approaches are to be identified, evaluated and, if necessary, adapted or further researched.

Project duration: 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2024



WIWeb – Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Werk- und Betriebsstoffe

Third-party funder:


Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und  Nutzung der Bundeswehr


Project management

Research associates team

Björn Döschl M.Sc.

Björn Döschl M.Sc.

Research associates
Gebäude 41/200, Zimmer 2213
+49 89 6004-3586
Kai Sommer M.Sc.

Kai Sommer M.Sc.

Research associates
Gebäude 41/200, Zimmer 2213
+49 89 6004-3570