Our Pre-Incubator 2022 has come to an end...

The new founders@unibw Pre-Incubator took place from March to June 2022.

If you want to stay informed on next dates of the program, inscribe to our newsletter. We will be publishing new dates and programs regularly.



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Pre-Incubator 2022

Our new Entrepreneurship Excellence Program is designed for researchers and future founders to learn the latest entrepreneurial tools and practice the skills needed to take an idea to the next level! Our Pre-Incubator is designed for the UniBw-Community in a flexible way: you will have the chance to participate in 5 different workshops that will take you through the entrepreneurial journey. If you complete the program, you will get a Diploma with which to share your new acquired knowledge and skills.

What is an incubator?
An incubator is a facility or institution that accompanies and supports prospective entrepreneurs in various ways on their way to self-employment. The term originally comes from medicine, where an incubator refers to an incubator to offer newborns optimal conditions for growing up. In a figurative sense, these programs can also be understood for start-ups or intrapreneurship projects.

We will take you through the basics of entrepreneurship: idea generation, prototyping and testing, business models, team management, legal questions of innovations and presentations. All these workshops will get you the skills, tools and mindset to be an entrepreneur: either within your research or in starting your own company.

What's in it for you?

There are many reasons why to participate in our Incubator or Pre-Incubator Programs by founders@unibw:



We live Entrepreneurship

Flexible programs designed to bring entrepreneurship into the UniBw


Coaching and Mentoring

Get support and coaching from our experts in different areas


Coworking Space

You can use our ressources, including modern spaces available for you to work with your team





Meet and share ideas with your colleagues from the UniBw

Laboratories and Materials

Use our ressources in the UniBw M to prototype and test your project


Get a certificate

...upon completion of the program and show your colleagues what you have achieved!


For whom is this program?

  • FUTURE FOUNDERS Everyone who is thinking about entre- or intrapreneurship is very welcome! It doesn't matter if you have an idea or a team, motivation is the first step.
  • WIMIS Researchers from all subjects who want to introduce new methods, tools and skills into their work and/or want to look into a new perspective in their future professional life.
  • BEGINNERS And for everyone who is interested in entre- and intrapreneurship and wants to take a first glance at what is possible.


What you will get from this program

  • LEARN You will learn the latest tools and methods from the entrepreneurship world, like Design Thinking and Agile & Scrum.
  • PRACTICE Develop your skills with hands-on workshops and methods to try what you learn right away!
  • APPLY You will get insights on how to apply these new methods and skills into your research or business idea.
  • DIPLOMA You can participate in as many workshops as you want, even if it's only one. Those who complete the program will get a diploma to certify the new skills acquired.
  • SHARE You will also get the change to pitch your idea at the end of the program in front of decision-makers. This is not obligatory, but a wonderful chance to take your project to the next level!


Take a look at the full program


  • Workshops can last a whole day or half a day.
  • Some workshops will take place at UniBw M and others online.
  • Every workshop has a participantion limit.


About founders@night:

"founders@night" is our official Pitch Event where our Startups, Founders and participants from the (Pre-)Incubator Programs can pitch their ideas, research or projects to the UniBw and Founders-Community. Every participant has 3 to 5 minutes to present their idea and then 5 to 10 minutes to answer questions and receive feedback. The Event will take place on the eveninig of June 20th 2022 (exact time is to be defined) at Founders-Markt in UniBw, Neubiberg.

How to participate: if you are participating on the Entrepreneurship Excellence Program / Pre-Incubator, you will be informed of the event. If you are not participating yet, but want to present or attend founders@night, we recommend you register to our EEP-Newsletter. With this Newsletter we will inform of more details in the upcoming weeks (instruction bellow).


How to finish the program?

There are two ways to get your Diploma of completion: the Academic Track, for those who want to learn the new methods to be used in Academia, and the Entrepreneurship Track, for the future founders who would like to start a journey in Entrepreneurship.


About the Webinars:

The Webinars are organized by founders@unibw and are not part of the Entrepreneurship Excellence Program, but we are giving you the chance to participate when you cannot participate in a Workshop. Every moth there are 2 Webinars (Brown Bags Webinars and Quick Dips Webinars) and any of them will be valid in this program.

You can see all upcoming Webinars in here.


How to participate?

The Entrepreneurship Excellence Program has come to an end. If you want to participate in future programs, register to our Newsletter writing an Email to founders@unibw.de. Through this Newsletter we will announce any future dates.


>> Past Workshops:







Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I need a team to participate?

No. You can participate with your team or as an independent person.

Is the program obligatory?

Absolutely not! We would recommend anyone who wants to get serious abour Entrepreneurship to get a Diploma, but attendance is not mandatory, you can participate in as many workshops as you want. Once you have registered and committed to a workshop, then you should come to use your spot.

What happens after the program?

If you finish the program, in any of the two tracks, you can continue working on your idea or project with our Startup Coaches. If after all the work you are still motivated to work on it, you can join our Incubator program which is planed for the end of 2021.

Do the workshops cost anything?

Nothing at all! We do not cover costos of travel or food, but the attendance to the workshop is totally free.

I am not from UniBw, can I still join?

Yes, you are very welcome!


>> Do you have any more questions? Contact us!


Take a look back at 2021

Inkubator 2021 - Intrapreneurship Edition

Teams & Projekte

In unserem Inkubator – Intrapreneurship Edition hatten 7 Teams aus Soldatinnen und Soldaten, studierenden Offizierinnen und Offizieren, wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitenden, sowie Reservistinnen und Reservisten die Möglichkeit, in 11 Wochen ihre Geschäfts- oder Projektidee bis zum Mockup-Prototypen weiterzuentwickeln.

Hier sind die Teams und ihre Projekte:




MoK – Mobilen Kamerad

Unser Team wird mit dem „Mobilen Kamerad“ (MoK) die Daten der persönlichen Einsatzbereitschaft zusammenfassen. Mit einer App für das eigene Smartphone schaffen wir einen Wegbegleiter, der die Einsatzbereitschaft für die gesamte Dienstzeit speichert und den Nutzern ortsunabhängig zur Verfügung steht.


  • Dennis Hofbüker
  • Christoph Beckmann
  • Fabio Ibrahim
  • Christian Schultz






Unser Produkt SavtyBw ist eine digitale Anwendung zur Optimierung der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Schritte im Arbeitsschutz in der Bundeswehr. Das Ziel der SavtyBw ist es, die Erstellung von Gefährdungsbeurteilungen intuitiv, zeitsparend und rechtssicher umzusetzen.


  • Moritz Kölbel
  • Tina Shengelia
  • Sergej Koschkin
  • Maximilian Dietrich
  • Edwina Gramotke






Wir sind was wir essen, und der aktuelle Zeitgeist geht vermehrt in Richtung einer gesünderen, nachhaltigen und fleischfreien Ernährung. Wir, Frederike und Aisouda, möchten diese Bewegung in die BW Truppenküche transportieren. In Form einer kurzen Testphase an der HSU Truppenküche konnten wir bereits eindeutiges Interesse der KonsumentInnen erkennen, jedoch nur im Rahmen eingeschränkter Möglichkeiten.


  • Frederike Vogel
  • Aisouda Hoshiyar






Unsere Idee heißt supremeView. Dabei handelt es sich um ein digitales Führungsinformationssystem für alle Dimensionen auf Basis eines gemeinsamen Daten-Fusion-Centers. SupremeView bietet durch eine interaktive 3D-Umgebung Entscheidern maximale Übersicht über ihr Operationsgebiet, egal in welcher Tiefe. Durch automatisierte Datenauswertung und -einspeisung ist supremeView fähig, den zunehmenden Datenmengen aus Intelligence und Reconnaissance Herr zu werden. Intelligente Zusammenführung und automatisierte Auswertung aller Aufklärungsdaten sorgt für hochaktuelle Lagebilder, und die Bündelung aller relevanten Informationen in einem System.


  • Rainer Klug
  • Simon Hünecke






Augmented Reality hat das Potenzial, analoge Prozesse der Bundeswehr zu optimieren. Durch den Einsatz der Zukunftstechnologie können komplexe Instandsetzungsprozesse und Ausbildungsinhalte der Logistik digitalisiert und zielgerichtet trainiert werden. Durch Augmented Reality lassen sich die Ziele des Knowledge Managements, der Digitalisierung und der kompetenzorientierten Ausbildung für eine zukunftsfähige Bundeswehr erreichen.


  • Christopher Ulrich
  • Moritz Miller
  • Sebastian Stadler





Aktenzeichen XY-App

Die Idee ist mit Hilfe einer App und zielgenauen Push-Mitteilungen Zeugen zu erreichen, die sich in der Nähe einer Straftat aufgehalten haben und etwas gesehen haben könnten. Informationen die der Polizei vorliegen, werden an die Nutzer weitergegeben und können so zu Informationen durch die Bevölkerung führen.


  • Can Lux





Open Source für Autonome Systeme in der Bundeswehr - OS-AS Bw

Mit der Einführung autonomer Systemen in der Bundeswehr steigen auch die Anforderungen an die Digitalisierung. Information muss zeitnah, zuverlässig und sicher zwischen den Systemen fließen können, sonst werden sie nutzlos. Um das zu erreichen, wollen wir Drehstuhlschnittstellen und proprietäre Insellösungen ersetzen durch offene Standards. Das senkt nicht nur Kosten, sondern steigert auch die Interoperabilität und dient dem Empowerment der Bundeswehr, die damit Herrin über ihre Systeme wird.


  • Michael Melchior




Danke an allen TeilnehmerInnen und Coaches!