Unsere Mediathek enthält Videos von verschiedenen Präsenz- und Online Events. Hier kann man sich über verschiedene Themen
informieren. Bei Fragen zu einzelnen Themen, stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung.




Are you a Science Innovator? (DE)

Laura Sager

Young Entrepreneurship in Science, partner of founders@unibw, offers various online workshops and webinars on topics such as entrepreneurship & intrapreneurship, pitch training, prototyping and design thinking. 

#gründung #forschung #phd #postdocs


Virtual Reality in der Designforschung (DE)

Sebastian Stadler

Virtual Reality (VR) is finding its way into various application domains, and for some time now VR has also been applied in research, such as psychotherapy, human-computer interaction, and behavioral research.

#virtualreality #forschung #design

What can testing contribute to a successful technical product? - Insights into possibilities and realized projects (DE)

Thomas Kuttner

Testing is understood to be the technical testing of products, components and processes under operational loads. It is impossible to imagine today's development of technical products without tests on test stands, and all these products are tested on test stands.

#testing #laboren #produktentwicklung

Company start-ups - practical experience and special features at UniBwM (DE)

Dieter Gerling

In the meantime, two successful companies have emerged from the chair of Prof. Dr.-Ing. In the lecture, personal experiences with company foundations will be reported.

#gründung #unibw #startup

Public procurement of innovations: Why the public sector can be an attractive customer for innovative companies (EN)

Michael Eßig

Procurement of innovations: What distinguishes the public sector from the private sector? How public sector clients procure? And procurement strategies in the public sector and public procurement law.

#beschaffung #öffentlichersektor #publicpreneurship

Entrepreneurship in Sports: Perspectives on the Ecosystem (DE)

Benjamin Kinsky und Gastspeaker

From different perspectives, we discuss the questions: What does entrepreneurship actually mean in sports?
Why is this management approach gaining importance in the industry? How is entrepreneurship implemented in sports organizations? And what potentials or barriers does sport offer in terms of an "entrepreneurship ecosystem"?

#entrepreneurship #sport #startups #netzwerken

Startup Opportunities at UniBw M (EN)


In this Webinar we will talk about what we do in founders@unibw and how can we help you, what is our Startup Coaching Program and how does it work and other possibilities for researchers, like the EXIST Program. We will also have a Guest Speaker from a Startup that started in the UniBw M to talk about their experience.

#gründung #unibw #startup #forschung #exist

Patentierung an der UniBw: vom Patent zur Gründung (DE)

Jakub Kopczak, Rafaela Kraus

In diesem Webinar wird den Patentierungsprozess an der UniBw und die Besonderheiten für WiMis und Startups erklärt.

#patentierung #patent #gründung #startup

Integrated Project Management - Rethinking Projects (DE)

Simon Christian Becker

How would it be if everyone involved in your construction project pulled together from the idea through planning to implementation? Here is an innovative solution: the Integrated Project Execution (IPA) model.  

#bauprojekte #dtec #forschung


Blockchain Technology: The Basis for the Next Level of Digitalization (EN)

Dirk Stauder

This webinar will look at technical fundamentals of blockchain, analyze an inventory of current use cases and the status quo in various industries, and provide an outlook on future opportunities.

#blockchain #innovation




Legal aspects of setting up a company (DE)

Alexandra Wuttig 

Taking risks alone? No thanks. Anyone who has a promising business idea and wants to venture into professional self-employment faces many legal, tax and financial questions.

#unternehmengründung #legaladvice #gründen


Customer orientation in development and what we can learn from agile product development (EN)

Ilona Trübswetter

Why is customer orientation important? Is it also relevant in development? And how can I implement it?

#projektmanagement #agilemethoden #scrum #produktentwicklung

Project management with agile methods: A case study of "Wasa" and what went wrong (DE and EN)

Anna Zubkova

Why do great ideas sometimes fail to achieve success? What determines whether a project or idea is successful or a failure? What should be avoided as a matter of principle in a complicated project?

#agilemethoden #scrum #projektmanagement

Agile methods of the digital world (EN)

Annie Weichselbaum

Design Thinking, Business Modelling, Google Sprint, Lean Startup, Kanban, Scrum … die Welt agiler Innovationsentwicklung und agilen Projektmanagements ist groß. Beim Einsatz von agilen Methoden ist nicht die Frage ob, sondern wie und wann sie sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können.

#agilemethoden #designthinking #businessmodels #lean #scrum

Business Model Canvas: Learn how to apply and adapt the canvas to your own project (EN)

Anna Zubkova

Agile working and agile teams are now the answer in companies to increasing complexity and dynamics - triggered by digitization. Agile working methods are characterized above all by a step-by-step approach, a high degree of autonomy for teams or employees, and a clear customer focus.

#agilemethoden #businessmodels #businessmodelcanvas #canvas

How to handle your lawyer? (EN)

Andrew Webber

A brief presentation on legal concerns for start-ups that are seeking outside financing and typical US exit options. 

#startups #gründung #legaladvice #US

Introduction to applied AI: How to identify, evaluate, and build AI solutions that matter (EN)

Denys Holovatyi

In this video, it will be explained: 1) Why AI matters? Outlook on global value creation with AI, the AI market, and cutting-edge examples; 2) AI for business: use case examples, practical case studies, and completed projects with enterprise clients; and 3) Methodology: how to implement AI step-by-step.

#ai #artificialintelligence #ki #künstlicheintelligenze #datascience

Everyday Communication: Communicate confidently and authentically in presentations, meetings and exams (EN)

Jochen Sattler

Convincing customers, discussing with partners, presenting in front of large audiences - every day we have to communicate. And yet many of us often feel insecure in doing so, we can't get our position across properly, sometimes people don't listen to us properly.

#kommunikation #präsentationen #skills #fähigkeiten

Boss vs. leader - the demands on a modern manager (DE)

Arne Stoermer

Leadership has changed a lot in the last few years. Arne Stoermer gives you an overview of the skills needed to be a successful leader and how you can best harmonize your personality with an appropriate leadership style.

#führsungskraft #leadership #skills #fähigkeiten #management

Technik trifft Recht (DE)

Susanne Meiners

A first insight into the legal liability system that arises around electronic systems and technical products

#Recht #technisce-Projekte

Promoting a Digital Mindset through Intrapreneurship (DE)

Rafaela Kraus

Rafaela Kraus on intrapreneurship as part of the INDOR initiative's lecture series "Digital Mindsets: Opportunities and Risks for Individuals and Organizations

#digital-mindset #intrapreneurship #gründung

Digital Tools for an interactive and hybrid work (EN)

Anna Zubkova

We will show you which online tools you can use for your work with colleagues from the UniBw and also with external partners, how they work, how you can get them and you will also get the chance to put into practice some of these tools right away.

#digital-tools #hybrid-work


SOLIDWORKS for Start-ups, Founders & Researchers: Bring your design ideas to life (EN)


In the webinar, you will learn how the program has already helped many start-ups from the very beginning and hear exciting excerpts from now more than seven years of support for start-ups in Munich and southern Bavaria.

#prototypen #produktentwicklung #3D-models


Prototyping and testing your project at UniBw: Tools and servers for all UniBw members (EN)

LabNet, Prototyping Server

founders@unibw offers Professors, Researchers and Startups the opportunity to prototype and test their projects, ideas and products in an easier way, offering a connection hub of laboratories and a free web-hosting service.

#prototyping #labnet #webserver

Intellectual Property for Makers (EN)

Roberto Cali

💡Techniken zum Schutz Ihrer Konzepte, Erfindungen und Markenidentitäten.
💡 Ansätze zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und rechtmäßigen Nutzung Ihres geistigen Eigentums.
💡 Das Potenzial des geistigen Eigentums zur Steigerung des Wertes Ihres Unternehmens.
💡 Pragmatische Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Rechtsstreitigkeiten und zum Schutz vor Verletzungen des geistigen Eigentums.

#ip #startups




TEDxUniBw 2021 & 2022

How Satellites can help us keep our oceans safe and clean

Alexander Genzel

70% of earth are covered by water. Still, most people largely underestimate the impact maritime activities have on our overall life and the future of our planet. Alexander explains why Satellites have become more and more important for us all.

#space #tedx #satellites #defence

Elements of a shared space movement

Luisa Buinhas

We tend to think of space as a means to an end, as a resource that allows us to improve life and knowledge here on Earth. But what if instead of asking ‘what can satellites do for us here on Earth?’, we ask ‘what can satellite do for other satellites?’. With this new mindset, collaboration between satellites in orbit will enable simply co-working in space.

#space #tedx #community #technology

Do we need an EU Space Law and how could it look like?

Ingo Baumann

An EU Space Law already exist, but is it what we really need? Let’s look at what is already there and what could be improved from a legal point of view.

#space #tedx #legal #spacelaw

Dare to explore new space(s)

Nadine Chochoiek

What does it mean, to explore new spaces? It's not all about astronauts and rockets. Getting out of our comfort zone, being willing to take risks, creating new things and innovating... that's also exploring new spaces! Nadine tell us how the Entrepreneurial Mindset can also take you out to space.

#space #tedx #newspace #entrepreneurship

The dark side of astronauts

Tony Colin

There is a big chance that if you ask a kid what they want to be when they grow up, they will tell you they want to be an astronaut. It looks cool and fun… and you get to see the earth from out of space. But, is it all easy, when it comes to working as an astronaut? Come and discover with Tony the dark side to being an astronaut.

#space #tedx #astronauts #experiences

5 ways military leadership can empower your parenting

Nicola Winter

Changin mobility - Part of the solution to the climate crisis? 

Niclas Lehnert

The (super)power of touch 

Merle Fairhurst

Of machines, men and... creativity! 

Rudy Milani

Unlock your power

Art Claas van der Heide




How do you explain artificial intelligence? Or virtual reality? In "3 Levels by @MUC.DAI x @founders" we challenge experts to explain a digitalization topic to a schoolgirl, a student and an expert. Find out if they succeeded!

Künstliche Intelligenz

with Ulli Waltinger, Siemens AI Lab

#künstlicheintelligenz #ki #artificialintelligence #ai


with Florian Seibel, Quantum Systems

#drohnen #technologie #innovation #startup

Virtual Reality

with Petra Dahm, Stell Dir V(o)r

#virtualreality #augmentedreality #vr


What is MUC.DAI?

with Sebastian Planck, MUC.DAI Hochschule Munich

#digitalisation #education #hochschule


What is founders@unibw

with Nadine Chochoiek, founders@unibw

#entreperneurship #startups #research


with Dirk Stauder, founders@unibw


Data Science

with Gunnar König


New Space

with Katja Janzer, OroraTech

#newspace #satellites #newtech



UX Design

with Lars Lubatschowski

#uxdesign #designthinking