We offer UniBw M students various seminars and courses in which you can further develop your skills in entrepreneurial thinking and action - you can also collect ECTS points for your studies, regardless of whether you are studying for a Master's or Bachelor's degree. Seminars and training courses within the framework of Studium Plus impart interdisciplinary knowledge about your chosen subject and train key competences: they are the PLUS to round off your personality profile for later applications!

Below you will find an excerpt of our modules:


Module Turnus Description

Startup Weekend - from your idea to pitch in one weekend


This weekend will give you an insight into the world of start-ups, with everything that goes with it: How do I find a suitable idea? What distinguishes an idea from a business idea? How can I market the idea and bring it to the target group? The seminar consists of various plenary sessions in which you will be taught the most important content as well as individual project work in interdisciplinary teams in which you will directly apply what you have learnt.

Social/Sustainable Entrepreneurship

(DE + EN)


Social entrepreneurship means finding innovative and long-term solutions to social problems (and being able to earn money with them) and in this seminar students learn methods and future skills to develop their own socially relevant and financially viable ideas. Offered in both German (WT) and English (FT).

Design (thinking) and rapid prototyping for intrapreneurship in the Bundeswehr


Participants are given an overview of the history of design in the context of society and democracy and find their own approach to design processes using specific application examples. In the interplay of design process and design system, they concretise their own ideas for which they develop designs and practice this procedure iteratively.