How can the state gain better access to innovations? - This is one of the central key questions for the future of
Germany and Europe. 
Publicpreneurship Day is a 1-day conference for the discussion and exchange of innovative ideas of representatives and
authorities from the Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik, Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw),
start-ups and academics from the field of administrative sciences.




Who can participate?   

Representatives and authorities from Politics, the Armed forces, the State and Start-ups


When and how long? 

Once per year, including online reporting


Which language? 






PAST EVENT: Publicpreneurship day 2022

The first PUBLICPRENEURSHIP DAY 2022 focused on concrete approaches to solutions between technological optimism
and inventiveness. Selected and renowned experts from the government, representatives from business
and industry, science and start-ups and founders@unibw explored these questions:


How the state and the defense industry can benefit from cooperation with young companies?


What currently hinders market access for German start-ups?


How can the state gain better access to innovative technologies, products and services?







More info ->