Brown Bags are webinars to which we invite alternating discussion partners from business, academia and startups to
discuss current topics and developments. Topics such as virtual reality in research, product development and testing,
blockchain and startup opportunities at UniBw will be presented.
Participants can expand their network within Bundeswehr University Munich and discuss ideas on the topic of
Entrepreneurship, startups and innovation.
For whom?
Scientific employees of UniBw M and HSU, professors, alumni and externals.
When and for how long?
Brown Bags take place once a month at 2:00 p.m. and lasts only one hour.
In which language?
German and English
Where can I find the next Brown Bags?
Every month, the upcoming webinars are communicated via the website:
Would you like to conduct a webinar?
We are always looking for new speakers for our Brown Bags webinars! If you have a topic you would like to present
you would like to present, please contact us at any time.