Cybersecurity Regulation for Critical Infrastructure: A comparative analysis of European and US regulatory approaches

Cyber threats, including cybercrime and state-sponsored cyber-attacks, pose significant risks to society, with critical infrastructure sectors being prime targets. Malicious cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure cost companies millions and can have disastrous effects for citizens and governments, comparable to conventional armed attacks. This research project acknowledges the escalating significance of cybersecurity in critical infrastructure (e.g., energy sector, transportation systems, water systems, communication networks, healthcare facilities, financial institutions, government services) considering recent geopolitical events, such as the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has led to a notable increase in cyberattacks since 2022. The project aims to investigate and compare the regulatory frameworks governing cybersecurity in critical infrastructure sectors between the United States (U.S.) and the European Union (EU). It seeks to contribute insights into the different regulatory approaches, identifying regulatory gaps, strengths, and weaknesses in the U.S. and European approaches.


More information can be found here.


Kontakt: Verena Jackson