Going West! CISS director and management on cyberintelligence tour in the USA
16 September 2022
Currently, CISS Director Uwe Borghoff and CISS Managing Director Holger Prüßing are traveling across the United States on the occasion of the annual "US Cyberintelligence Tour". This included a visit to the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in San Francisco.
"A great privilege to host the best of the best in cyberdefense for an intensive and enlightening exchange" writes Consul General Oliver Schramm. In addition to Holger Prüßing and Uwe Borghoff, other participants include Klaus Buchenrieder, Rolf Häcker, Dirk Kunze, Jörg Lambrecht, Marie Christine Marx, Rüdiger Rauch, Frank Reccius, Dominik Trautmann and Danny Weger.
The tour was organized by the CISS.
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