MBA International Management

In cooperation with ESB Reutlingen, our faculty offers the MBA International Management program. The program is aimed at officers who are at the end of their term of service and civilian professionals who want to accelerate their careers. The MBA International Management program teaches military and civilian professionals business management skills at the highest level and prepares them specifically and comprehensively for an advanced career.

Further information is available on the internet presence of the degree program and from the CASC advanced training institute of the Bundeswehr University which is entrusted with the implementation.  On the part of the faculty WOW, Prof. Dr. Stephan Kaiser is available as contact person in his function as academic director.

MBA Public Management

Public management takes a cross-disciplinary perspective on leadership of and in public institutions. It combines business administration and economics with political science and law. The goal is a cost-effective, efficient and effective public sector. Today's public management is based on market, network or hierarchical control mechanisms and consistent change management.

The MBA Public Management of the Bundeswehr University Munich takes up this approach and prepares and offers scientifically sound study and practice-oriented knowledge in one.

Further information is available on the on the CASC, the Bundeswehr University advanced training institute.

As contact person and academic directors of our departement you can contact Prof. Dr. Michael Eßig and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hirsch.

Doctoral Program

We offer the opportunity for a doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) for applicants who have completed a master's or diploma degree with above-average success and are interested in science. In addition, the scienific carrier can be continued with a habiliation (Dr. rer. pol. habil.).

You can find further information and free positions here.

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